Monday, April 5, 2010

What Up with Egypt?

Remember the 40ish day challenge I talked about awhile back? Well today I finally finished Genesis. Part of me felt like it ended a bit on a downer. Joseph dies and knowing my OT history the Israelites who came to Egypt to escape death by famine were about to enter into 400(?) years of captivity. I couldn't help but wonder, why would God lead Jacob to the Promised land only to send him (and his people) packing to Egypt for centuries of slavery?
Sure I could speculate from my comfortable couch that the years of enslavement helped prepare them to really appreciate the land they were to take over. Or that were some great lessons God wanted to teach them in the process. But really - I have no idea why God does things they way He does. I know I trust Him. I know He is loving and faithful. But I don't always understand Him.
Often in the midst of those periods of "enslavement" that feel centuries long - I'm still left wondering, what the heck am I doing in Egypt??? I'm not in one of those periods right now - at least not all the time in my head. But the next time I am I know just how I'm going to pray - "Lord, what up with Egypt?" Are you with me?

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