Sunday, April 14, 2019

On Grief this Easter Season

The tears came pouring out again unexpectedly as I searched through an old pile of frames in the basement. My dear friend all smiles surrounded by her four young children and husband stops my search. This time I don't even try to push grief away. I cry as if it were 10 days, not 10 years since death snatched her away with no warning. Clicking doggy paws pause at the stop of the stairs and in a moment my hand is full of black fur as she leans against me.

I ask God for the thousandth time why she had to go. The heavy ache in my heart reminds me of His Words to Adam and Eve, "What have you done?"  Did they hear the heart twisting pain in His question? Did they see the sorrow wasn't about the broken rule but what it meant for them? For Him? For all creation from that day forth? Death had entered into perfection and tainted it all. Every relationship, every plant, every animal - all of creation was now undone.

God knew. And He saw it all - all the hatred and sickness and sorrow and horror from generation to generation- all at once. And He saw the cross as He watched their slumped backs turn away from the garden for the last time. He knew He would get us back and He knew all it would cost Him.

How we all long for The Day when grief is finally out-run! There will be no more death to seperate us.

 I will see her smiling face again.

Older posts on Grief
This Side of Heaven   Jesus Wept   Life and Shoulds   In the Storm  Picking Up the Stitches  

Finding A Healthy Whole  Perfectly Perfect     Record of Faithfulness:Remembering Jo 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

A few recent snapshots from life with Boys #iloveraisingboys

Thing 3's breakfast EVERY morning at the hotel on our recent vacation.

Thing 2 rock climbing with a broken arm.

Thing 1 being silly with me in Zion.

Rock sliding/running. 

What happens when I ask Thing 1 to take the coffee cake out of the oven while I dry my hair.

Whenever she is left alone for 5 mins with her older brothers...something like this always happens.