Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tiny Hiney

Isn't it amazing what can happen in just 6 1/2 weeks? The Sistine Chapel took Michelangelo four years to paint. The first space shuttle, Enterprise, took three years to complete. It takes me months and months to knit a sweater. And in just as little as 45 days God can take a tiny swimmer and egg and knit them into a tiny baby with little legs kicking around on the screen before me. Only God.

So this little one was a bit shy (or not shy enough maybe) and wouldn't show us it's face. All we got were shots of it's tiny little hiney so I'm calling it "tiny hiney" for now. Even though this was my third time through this it is still takes my breath away to see this little being inside me. It is also still a great relief each time to know it is doing well and that there is only one! :)

So without further adu, for your viewing pleasure, here is Tiny Hiney! If I was more technologically advanced I would put a fig leaf on it but alas, here it is in all its glory.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Big Foot, Thing 3, or Gus

In case you haven't heard, which means you haven't been around hubby in the last few days, they think (or thought) they found Big Foot. Pictures of him (her?) in the freezer of the finder could actually be viewed on CNN (said hubby...I never actually looked myself). Hubby is now claiming that he is "a believer" even though they have since come out with DNA testing of the "big foot" that show traces of human and possum dna. I always knew Hubby had more faith then me, this is just further evidence that it is not only deeper, it is broader.

On the topic of Hubby, he has also been in the habit of calling the boys "Thing 1" and "Thing 2". His only suggestions for names for the baby (outside of "Gus" which he still tries to get T 2 to answer to at times...unsuccessfully, I might add) is "Thing 3". The first name would be "thing" and the middle name would be "three". I think I'll take over naming this one, but feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section.

Here is a photo of hubby and "thing 2" in the Badlands which we visited in May.

Monday, August 11, 2008

No Foolin'

So the big news around here is that we are having another baby! The due date is April 1st, no foolin'! No one will believe us if it does happen to come on April Fools and we tell them it is a girl. I'm convinced that there is a 90% chance it is a boy and am already praying verses about God's grace being sufficient...or at least I should be. :)

Funny things T 1 asks about the baby:
1) Where is the baby in your tummy, up here (pointing to the top of his tummy) or down here (pointing to the bottom)?
2) Is that baby eating that banana that you are eating?
3) Will the baby spit the banana our if it doesn't like it?
4) Will we have to feed the baby when it comes out?
5) What kind of baby food will we feed it? Like soup?
6) Do your bones hurt the baby?

And yes the one dreaded question...asked loudly in a public restroom no doubt...

7) Where is the baby going to come out?

Oh the curiosity of a 4-year-old! So my lesson learned from this is that you shouldn't inform your 4-yr-old of your pregnancy until a) you are ready to answer a whole lot of questions about it and b) until you are ready for him to inform others with or without you!

Friday, August 8, 2008

the title - revised

The main purpose of this blog is to keep our family and friends better up to date on what we are doing and learning these days.
Most of which is a daily learning experience for me, thus, an education in itself. I'm convinced that major universities should offer life with 2 and 4 yr old boys as a degree opportunity. It could be sort of a general arts degree b/c you pretty much have to know a little bit about everything to survive a day with them. For example "Basic Plumbing" would be one of the courses you would take for when your potty training 2-year-old decides to place the toilet paper in the toilet while leaving it on the roll (on the wall) and watch it unroll itself when he flushes (this was Thing 1 by the way). In hindsight I would take "Common Sense in Potty Training" as a pre-requisite course, but when you are busy caring for his then infant brother it doesn't occur to you at the time to be fully attentive.

Here is a recent photo for your viewing pleasure. You are spared a potty photo only b/c we recently purchased an external hardrive (one word or two?) and all my sitting on the potty while reading Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever photos are now on that hardrive and too difficult to get at. So here is one of the boys at the local waterpark in Branson. Note the waterslide in the background was just there for staging purposes, the boys would have nothing to do with actually going down one.