Monday, October 20, 2008

Testing, testing, 123

Okay, for all my friends out there that have had babies "recently" I'm curious if your doctor offered you a test for CF (cystic fybrosis) and if you paid the hundreds of dollars for it? I think this is new since Things1 and 2 and I can't decide if I want it done. They can't do anything and I'm not going to do anything about it if I do test should I have it done or is it a waste of money? I'm also waffling on the "quad screen" test. I'd love to know what you did and why! I have my ultrasound and any tests on Thursday so any quick replys would be welcome. Right now I'm remaining mostly steady in my resolve to not find out the sex of the baby...but I reserve the right to change my mind at any instance...and then back again!

Also, make sure and cast your vote for my "what's it going to be" poll.


darcy said...

Hey girl :)
I had the CF test done with Ethan and hadn't been offered it with the first two. But seeing as how we were military and it was a simple blood test that cost us nothing, no biggie. I'm not sure I would have done it if we had to pay anything because like you, what would it matter other than to be prepared. Keep in mind you and Jeff would both have to be positive for the baby to possibly get CF, so you would end up paying for two tests. Enjoy your ultrasound :) So fun!!

Jon said...

Hey Sherry, I'd vote no on the expensive test that your not going to do anything about if it comes back positive. Do you have a family history of CF? You can check to Mayo clinic web site for details. Or don't ... who wants to worry unnecessarily? As for the quad screening ... it was only a triple screen when I had my kids. I did it, but only to be forewarned. I hope it goes well. Oh, and I think I'd vote another boy, but I'm not confident enough to vote yet. (Too many elections coming up ya-know :) )Do you guys find out early or wait for the grand arrival?? Have a great week! - tam

marcy burth said...

But, inquiring minds want to know the sex of this baby....I still cast my vote for a girl....and her name shall be.....

Lisa said...

I didnt have the CF test or the quad. My reasoning was that it wouldn't make a difference to me anyway, although it would be nice to be forewarned. Chances are everything is ok since you already have 2 healthy kids! I vote for girl!

Unknown said...

Hey you -

I would say No for the test for you and save the money. Use it to buy some newborn diapers! It's not going to make you change your mind and not want the baby so why do it? Have fun at the appt.!!

Alicia Alexander said...

I skipped both the quad screen and CF test. I'm working with both a Christian midwife and Christian Dr. (Heifner from HighPoint.) The medical opinion of both of these people is that these tests are unnecessary for people with our worldview.

Our ultrasound was last Thursday. We decided to let the gender be a complete surprise to everyone this time! Of course it's already driving me crazy.

Jess said...

I also bypassed both tests. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry...

This is uncle Allan. For me it would depend on whether the test itself could cause any damage to the baby, similar to amniocentesis. Also, like you, we wouldn't do anything with the results anyway, so we didn't have ours done. they didn't offer the CF test.
Oh... it's so neat getting your prayer letters. Isn't one of the pictures on your blog your brothers baby?
Since I started this... a neat book dealing with the need for one another, and encouraging each of us to get involved in building up one another: Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp.
Blessings to all of you from all of us!
Allan and Brenda Kreiss