Friday, August 1, 2014

Packing with Kids

We were blessed to make 4 separate trips - 3 of them for ministry -  this summer.  We saw so many old friends and made plenty new ones.  But that meant 4 different times to perfect the art of packing three boys and everything we would need for the next 3 -14 days.

On the first trip I quickly made out a list for the older two Things to pack on their own.  20 plus hours in the car later we are unpacking at our hotel in the CA desert and T2 announces he doesn't have any shorts.  It's over 100 degrees outside.  Wonderful.  Later at home I reread my list, sure enough, shorts were not on it, but his swimsuit was, so he put that on until we could make it somewhere to buy shorts.

I offered to step down from being in charge of packing but hubby declined my resignation.

Shortly after returning from that trip we left for a weekend up in the mountains.  We had several unexpected and costly delays but we made it in time to teach that night...just barely.  After a quick dinner we unloaded the Things and their bags out of the jeep and hubby says, "I don't see thing 3's bag."  Huh.  I KNOW I packed his bag.  I inspected everyone's bags.  Apparently I didn't carry his bag DOWNSTAIRS though like the other 2 had already done.  So there we are about to go teach on healthy relationships to 70 collegiates and staff and the tension is thick between us.  Hubby says, "I didn't forget it." (To be fair, he denies making that comment but I know it was awkwardly addressed who had in fact left his bag behind).  I breathed deeply and said, "Neither did I....T3 Did!" We said no more and went off to our workshop.

Again I tendered my resignation from being in charge of packing and it was denied.

So off we go for our third trip that summer - this time purely for pleasure into the Rockies.  And I made a through list, checking it twice for the boys to follow.  Day 2 we head up for a 4 1/2 mile hike and T1 announces he never packed his tennis shoes.  Now I KNOW I put them on the list...he just forgot.  He hiked up into the snow in flip flops and never complained.

I don't think I even bothered to try and resign from packing before our 4th and final trip.  I did make a very detailed list with boxes for the Things to check off as they packed them! They did a great job and I check their bags for leaving for another 20 hour drive, this time headed east.  Everything seemed in order until I was finishing up that last load of laundry and noticed one of the boys didn't have any underwear in any of the loads I'd done.  After further interrogation I asked him if he had packed 6 pairs as directed.  He replied that he had indeed.  I asked him where he got 6 this point he said he wasn't sure if they were supposed to be clean or dirty so HE PACKED BOTH.

I give up....He was right, I had not specified on the list that the underwear to be packed should be clean...Lord, help me.

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