Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Middle Ground - My thoughts on heaven, hell, and Mr. Bell

Last week I had the opportunity to listen to two authors talk about their experiences in the next life. One shared about heaven ("90 Minutes in Heaven") and the other about hell ("23 Min. in Hell"). I haven't read their books yet so I'm not going to say I endorse everything written in them, but I do encourage you to read them and decide yourself.

Ever since that night I've noticed two changes in how I view things:
1) Hell is a lot scarier place than I ever imagined (not that I'd ever spent much
time thinking on it)
2) Heaven is all the more sweeter bc of #1.

My kids have a "Jesus Storybook" Bible that is amazing and everyone should have one! I love it just as much (and maybe more) than they do. In it the author refers to Jesus as "the Rescuer". All this time I've read these stories and thought about all the things He has rescued me from, my sin (past, present and future), eternal death, etc. But I've never taken much time to think about the realities of hell and the anguish, hopelessness and suffering that He rescued me from. This makes His Rescue Plan all the more precious and valuable to me.

For years now I've prayed and shared about Jesus' free gift of life to others only considering how I don't want them to miss out on His love for them. But my perspective was lacking an important factor, which is that I should be equally concerned they don't go to hell. Even as I write those words I know how "preachy" and "fire and brimstone" they sound and yet I don't know how else to say it.

Another book, "Love Wins" questions all of the above and is featured on the cover of Time magazine this week. It is by a guy named Rob Bell who is a popular pastor among other things. It isn't based on any new theology, maybe just new to our generation. It is clear that Mr. Bell struggles with the idea of hell, it doesn't fit into his idea of a loving God. He isn't the only one who struggles with this concept, yet just deciding it doesn't exist is not only dangerous, it doesn't hold up to his own logic. If God is too loving to let anyone go to hell, how is forcing them into an eternity in His Presence when they openly acknowledge that they don't believe in Him, don't want anything to do with Him, and even hate Him - any more loving? That doesn't sound like much of a choice to me and it doesn't sound much like love winning out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just as uncomfortable with the reality of eternal suffering and punishment for anyone as the next guy - but that makes me all the more motivated to pray and share His love with others so they don't end up there. It is unfortunate that instead of using his influence to join in God's Rescue mission, pointing them to the One Path to heaven he doesn't even deny, which is Jesus, Mr. Bell has just made the path to hell all the more appealing to others by encouraging them to reject the idea of it's existence all together, and in so doing condemning them to it.

There really isn't a comfortable middle ground with this issue, though "Love Wins" would try to convince you otherwise. We have to decide here and now during our time in the middle here on earth where we will go in the next life. And what better time to consider what is next than during this Easter season.

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