Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Good to know

Last week Thing 1 got up from the dinner table halfway through the meal to use the facilities (it seems we can't make it through any meal without some Thing getting down at least once. I'm never praying for patience again). Anyways, not wanting to miss out on conversation he hollered to me from his new "seat", "Mom, do you know what I pray when I'm on the potty?" Intrigued I inquired further (wouldn't you?), and he answered, "I pray, 'Please God...don't let me have diarrhea!". Good to know. Apparently he still remembers the stomach bug he had (and shared with all of us) last December.

They both keep us laughing pretty much continuously. I'm trying to remember a funny story about Thing 2 but my pregnant brain is failing me.

We are really enjoying some warmer temps here...spring is here for now. Signs of spring around here are: two happy boys playing in the mud in our driveway, Countless hours at the park, Jeff's face. Yup, you read it right. I haven't seen it all winter and with the warmer weather he finally decided to shave his beard. Yippee! I was so happy I almost went into labor! But not quite.

For those of you interested in my latest ob checkup keep reading...
As of yesterday I'm up to a 3! Only 7 to go and we get to find out if this is a boy or girl. After sending belly photos last night to my Brazilian belly expert (aka, hubby's sister who has seen lots and lots of pregnant bellies) I'm told I'm having a girl. One thing is for sure, it is not an "Other" like some of you jokesters voted for!

I'll try and post some pics and stories from Spring Break in Chicago soon...it was a very blessed and stretching time for all of our students and EDGErs! Thanks for praying for them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to find out if its a b or g....that way i can plan my baby-knitting. Also, now I want to ask my kiddos what they pray for on the toilet!!