Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Games they play

When left alone I'm always amazed at the the boys can come up with. The other day for the few minutes that I had locked myself in my bathroom the boys decided to take Thing 1's million piece train puzzle and play "Snowball fight". Within a couple minutes (for I dare not take any longer) there were pieces from end to end of our house. I also dared not reveal my amusement for their creativity...just firmly insisted it be cleaned up right away.

When I returned home one afternoon after hubby had been home with them, he informed me that the Things had been in the basement playing "David and Goliath." Apparently one of them was David and armed with all the balls in the house and the other Thing was forced to be Goliath and on the receiving end of all the balls. This lasted until Goliath got least they are biblically accurate in their play.

I sure hope that Thing 3 is tough and well padded!

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