Friday, October 3, 2014

I Spy

Can you spy the lego in this picture? I did around 6:30 this morning while gulping down my first cup of coffee. I had to look twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming. 

Can you spy the forbidden "chew toy"?Zoeghnut (you know, our girl that sleeps curled up like a doughnut) walked into the kitchen and deposited Thing 2s tennis shoe at my feet right after I spied the lego and took another long drink of coffee. I'm pretty sure I finally got T2 to put them AWAY and now I've got another redistributing them. PERFECT. 

 Can you spy my heart? It's all over that little man; God has designed it that way.
I LOVE Friday mornings bc they are the only time that is just us two. Coffee, time with a boy and jigsaw puzzles...can you spy my contentment? :)
What about you? What do you spy lately that makes you smile?

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