Thursday, September 23, 2010

Right Now

Right Now:
Hubby is making a whole lotta ribs for the Viking (not football) Dinner here tomorrow night. I was relieved to hear they will be eating outside since no plates or silverware are allowed.

I'm catching up on my friend's blogs - it is fun to know what is going on in their lives. You should write one too so I can read it!

T123 are all asleep. Blissful quiet. T1 is getting really good at being a lefty and developing some good self-esteem overcoming new challenges. T2 is thriving at preschool - at least I assume so since he can't wait to go every week and I haven't gotten any notes sent home yet. Well, I got one, but was relieved when it was because someone else bit HIM. Ironic...yes, I know. Knowing his history...if I believed in karma, I'd say "what goes around comes around," but I don't so I won't say it. T3 had a pretty rough afternoon. We spent two hours at the doctors office after he spiked a 104 fever. We left after lab work, two shots of antibiotics and a prescription for even more. Poor kid. I'm thankful for modern medicine and will wait as long as needed for it any day (esp. when my other kids are happily occupied elsewhere...once again, hubby is my hero!).

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