You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Seasons Ingredients
Later as we drove under the sign again I got to thinking about T2's mistaken pronunciation and wondered to myself, "what are the ingredients to this season?" If someone were to look at my life right now they might list them as:
1) 1 Overtired shopped-out mommy
2) 3 busy boys who can't get the decorations up fast enough, or throw them far enough in T3's case (I can see the confusion, those round ornaments do look a lot like balls!)
3) 1 stretched-in-many-directions Daddy (who is doing a WONDERFUL job BTW)
4) 1 somewhat enjoyable cooking baking experience with middle son
5) 1 not so enjoyable with several starts and stops for broken lights, dropped and shattered ornaments, loud mommy sighing and some yelling "No"...okay repeated raised voices... tree trimming event
6) 7 chocolates consumed per child thus far from advent calendar
7) 1 somewhat successful reading of "What God wants for Christmas" complete with broken angel from years past (WHY WHY WHY DO THEY MAKE A CHILD'S NATIVITY OUT OF CERAMANIC...REALLY, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING PEOPLE?)
8) 1 really enjoyable Bible study I'm doing with some great friends found here that is somewhat keeping me centered on the real reason for the season. It's only four short chapters and well worth it!
9) too many to count Christmas play practices, both the ones we made it too and the ones we were too tired and busy to attend.
10) 1 frozen Daddy who lovingly obliged his Holiday minded sons by missing the first 60 mins of the Packer game on Sunday to string up outdoor lights
Add all together, mix and stir and you have the Ingredients for Christmas in our house. They probably aren't all the ones I would choose to put in there, but they are there none the less. Some of them may make the taste a little bitter, some make the taste sweet. I'm doing my best to add more of the latter.
What about you? What are you ingredients this year?
Merry Christmas from us...oh and "Seasons Ingredients!" :)
Friday, November 19, 2010
What's A mUmmy to do?

I love each of my three sons but for reasons that are as different as they are. My middle son's wild and loud presence can sometimes drive me up the wall, but it is that same zest for life that often leaves me laughing for hours. Part of it is just his uninhibited love of fun (ahem, I have NO idea where he got that from). Part of it is his 4-year-old perspective on life. Case in point:
A couple weeks ago my friend returned from a long trip to Peru. We looked through her pictures and took time to explain to T2 where Peru is and what we were looking at along the way. Well later that evening we were getting ready to go out and T2 comments, "Mom, some day you are going to be buried."
Me- "What? did you say 'married'?"
T2- "No. Buried."
Me still utterly confused, "What? What did you say?"
T2- exclaiming now like I'm the dumbest mom on the planet, "BURIED! SOME DAY YOU ARE GOING TO BE BURIED IN THE GROUND! You know in Peru with the Mommies."
Me - (light bulb) "Ohhh" chuckle chuckle "Those were pictures of MUMMIES honey NOT MOMMIES. Not all the mommies go to Peru to be buried. I won't end up there."
T2 - thoughtful pause - "Oh. Well some day when you are old you will be buried though, right?"
Me- sigh, not really liking the point of this conversation anymore and realizing those were some pretty gross pictures of mUmmies and he doesn't seem in the least concerned at all that this was my fate - "I don't know, let's get going."
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Seeing Us Through

I've been reading through Paul's letter to the Romans lately. It is a bit heady for me if I haven't had at least one cup of coffee but I think I'm still picking up the gist of things here and there. :)
Today in one of my most favorite chapters of the entire Bible my mind hovered over a verse I usually just read on by, "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." (12:15). Lately I've been rejoicing over new babies, groaning over lack of sleep with those same babies, praising with recovery from illness, and weeping over uncertain futures - all with my friends. In one verse Paul summed up the essence of the heart of a woman (or man) engaged in true fellowship with other women...and he just thought he was listing off instructions for godly living to the Christians in Rome! :) My heart full of joys and burdens once again confirms that life is such a mixed bag of blessings and trials. I'm so grateful I have His loving Presence and friends to see us through...until it all gets way way better on the other side of heaven that is!
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Advantage of Older Siblings
And now for some pics:
T3 is saying "Don't even think about touching my candy!"
T1 at the last minute switched from Transformer to Race car driver...whatever, we have them all on hand so "easy peasy, lemon squeezy" or is it "easy cheesy..." hmmm, I need to practice my new K lingo.
T2 went as a black widow spider. this was NOT one of the zillion costumes we owned so I transformed the ninja costume into a spider. amazing what some pantyhose (Hey, if finally got some use around here!) and a felt square can do.
This last pic is of the three sweater vests my mom made. soo cute! Thanks again, mom. And Thanks for the great visit Mom and Dad! We miss you already!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Weekender 2010

Hi there - we are headed to our Regional Fall Conference this weekend. Right now 268 students are registered - 48 of which are from our campus. Would you read through the following prayer requests for the weekend. My friend/co-laborer put it together for us to help us pray! Thank you!!!
Can I ask you, my friends and supporters, to pray specifically this Saturday morning? In addition to overall prayer requests,
• the health of all those in attendance
• the many, many details of a conference this size (there’s about 340 registered)
• camaraderie among students from each campus
• staff as they prepare many seminars and workshops
• Matt Letourneau, The Navigators campus director at University of Alabama, is our main speaker
• this year’s theme is “Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus”
Saturday morning holds some specific needs for prayer,
• attendees waking up refreshed and eager to learn
• Saturday morning is filled with workshops and seminars. Students attend those that interest them the most and they include:
‘Leadership Lessons from the Life of David’
‘How to Become a Spiritually Powerful Man of God’
‘The Legacies Left by Women’
‘Apologetics: Tactics on Defending the Faith’
‘Heartbeat of the Navs: Why Discipleship?’
‘Evangelism Training’
‘The Bible 411’
‘Freedom from Performance’
‘God’s Heart for the Nations’
God bless you richly as you pray for us and the students we love!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tape recorders, 5ks and Wedgies.
Enjoying the awesome new Kid's Museum in our town!
Welcoming home Daddy after he traveled early last week. The door was full of signs by the time it was all said and done! This is one that T1 drew for him.
I wish I could carry around a little tape recorder to record all the funny things I hear each day. For example the other day as I drove T1 and T2 home for school I listened to a ten minute conversation on wedgies. T1 leaned over and "whispered" "Don't tell mom" and continued to define wedgie for his 4 year old brother. They proceeded to make up a mile long list of different kinds of wedgies while throwing a jacket back and forth at each other with each new wedgie. "How about a spider wedgie?!!!" Much laughter. "How about a backpack wedgie." More laughter. Well, you get the idea.
Another thing I would record is T3s sweet little voice coming out with new words every day. His latest is "ball" which is usually accompanied by his chubby little arms throwing a ball half his size as far as he can (which thankfully is all of 12inches). He also loves to say "poopy", he is a boy after all, and "Daddy" and "Doggy" which are sometimes hard to distinguish (the later two, that is).
A couple weeks ago T2 explained to my friend that she is NOT old. "Why not?" she replied. "Because, old people have bumpy skin and YOURS is FLAT!"
Just last night as T2 gave me a tour of all the pictures (hundreds of them) taped to his bed he literally said, "And this is a picture of the monster pooping on (something...I'm not sure what he said after that I was laughing too hard).
Well, besides listening to my boys antics we have been keeping busy, thus the lack of blog updates. I ran in my first (and possibly last) race - it was a 15 mile relay and thankfully I only had to run 3 miles of it. I was happy with my time - just under 30 minutes - not bad for an old lady (yes, my skin is slightly bumpy).
We enjoyed a wonderful weekend away sans kids thanks to some pretty awesome people who wanted to watch our boys for 3 days. They had raised 4 of their own so they came qualified and had to of known what they were getting into.
State park where we did some geocaching. The colors were beautiful and the weather warm enough for shorts! Quite possibly our warmest anniversary ever.
We took a dinner cruise in Stillwater, MN - it was really fun and very pretty.
A couple weeks ago I had another article "published" on SAGE's website, here is the link.
Hubby is busy getting all the pieces in place for our regional Fall Conference coming up next weekend. This is his second year directing. So far we have 46 students signed up from our campus, if we get 50 he has agreed to dye his head blond! I'm really hoping we make 50!
I'm enjoying putting together a regional women's conference for the spring. We only offer this every four years. It is fun coming up with the theme, speakers, etc. and working closely with my friend and co-worker who is doing all the program details!
T2 continues to LOVE preschool and has surprised us by starting to write all on his own. He is becoming quite the little student.
T3 is starting to read and mastering writing with his LEFT hand as he still has a brace on his right. I'm curious to see if he switches back when it is all said and done. He actually could use his right hand now but chooses not to.
T1 is busy keeping up with his brothers climbing slides and chairs and whatever else he can manage to defy gravity with. Life is busy and full and wonderful! That's all for now...and probably for awhile again! Sorry. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10 Years!!!
Ten years ago today I married my knight in shining armor, except he wore a handsome black tux. Thank you, Abba, for ten wonderful years together. For a happy and healthy relationship that brings more gain than harm. For three wonderful little boys that sometimes do the same. :) For a place to call home with friends and family. For a calling and purpose we love and are passionate about. Surely our boundary lines have fallen in wide places and our cup overflows, all blessings from Your hand. Amen
Monday, October 4, 2010
Roses are red...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Right Now
Hubby is making a whole lotta ribs for the Viking (not football) Dinner here tomorrow night. I was relieved to hear they will be eating outside since no plates or silverware are allowed.
I'm catching up on my friend's blogs - it is fun to know what is going on in their lives. You should write one too so I can read it!
T123 are all asleep. Blissful quiet. T1 is getting really good at being a lefty and developing some good self-esteem overcoming new challenges. T2 is thriving at preschool - at least I assume so since he can't wait to go every week and I haven't gotten any notes sent home yet. Well, I got one, but was relieved when it was because someone else bit HIM. Ironic...yes, I know. Knowing his history...if I believed in karma, I'd say "what goes around comes around," but I don't so I won't say it. T3 had a pretty rough afternoon. We spent two hours at the doctors office after he spiked a 104 fever. We left after lab work, two shots of antibiotics and a prescription for even more. Poor kid. I'm thankful for modern medicine and will wait as long as needed for it any day (esp. when my other kids are happily occupied elsewhere...once again, hubby is my hero!).
Monday, September 20, 2010
Quick Update
(Here is a recent photo in our Sunflower patch...formerly known as our garden)
I'm so grateful for all the prayers and support we have received regarding T1's broken arm. Thanks for caring and thinking of us. I wanted to give you a quick update since so many have been asking. We went back to the doctor today and had it re-x-rayed and everything looked good. It is healing well and so we don't need to have surgery (as long as things cont. this way). He will have it splinted and in a sling for two more weeks and then we can move to a different kind of brace. In the meantime he is working hard in his "right mind" learning to be a lefty!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Joy - Not Just my Dish Soap Anymore

You know when you hear the same message or scripture a few times in a row that God is trying to get your attention. That happened this past week...not so coincidentally aligning with several little challenges that have come our way. Most of these aren't big things but you know those weeks when all the many little things start to add up. Yet in the midst of it all I kept running into the message of the resurrection and our source for joy. I literally heard three different messages and read it in my regular daily reading all in a matter of days. God, graciously reminding me that despite the little and big hard things we face, I can choose joy. Why? Because I know how the story ends, the victory is already won. I admit some days it is a physical struggle to choose joy over focusing on the whiny teething toddler wrapped around my knees, the attention deprived middle child jumping on the couch AGAIN, and the oldest who can't understand why I won't let him go down the slide backwards at school with a broken arm. And knowing some of the enormous struggles others face these all seem tiny and I feel like a big whiner for even struggling. BUT God is gracious. And in all these little reminders I sense His love and care and am reminded of one of my favorite verses, Isa 40:11 He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young." I'm feeling gently led to choose Joy and make it more than just my dish soap today and every day.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Feelin Kinda...not so SNAZZY
We were all having a great time and in the words of Go Fish "feelin kinda snazzy" and then...with two hot dogs in my hand I heard T1 screaming across the lawn in the inflatable bouncy thing. I scooped him up as he was screaming that his arm hurt. In hindsight had I known I was going to have to recount all the junkfood I allowed him to consume to go down on his medical record I think I would have at least fed him a banana or something in there...not one of my shining mommy moments. But oh well! Sooo instead of rockin the night away we ended it like this:
He ended up with some dislocation in his elbow I think and two breaks right above the elbow. Lots of drugs, some gruesome doctoring to get things back in place and way too much pain for my little guy (before the drugs) and we were on our way home.
Thankfully some great friends were on hand to keep T2 with them at the concert and they thoughtfully bought him his own glow stick, cd and dvd which he enjoyed when he got home.
And when you are down and out you might as well have a neb treatment or two for that darn asthma. Poor guys...some days are just like this. Thankfully most of them aren't.
We are praying that all stays in place the way it should so we don't have to do the surgery thing. Thanks for praying with us. And while you are praying here are some praises: We are thankful for good medical care, drugs, friends in place to take care of the other Things, the 30+ college friends who were at our house for a meeting when we got home that were praying for him, our staff team that stepped in place to lead the meeting at the last minute...the list goes on and on.
As I look at that list I'm reminded once again that God never fails to meet our every need in times of need - despite our distance from family that we would normally rely on in times like these. He is good and faithful.
My little faith is trying to shrug off feelings of guilt that if I had been praying more for my kids protection this wouldn't have happened...I know, crazy thoughts, but there they are. Thankfully with a curious, climbing toddler, an active 4 year old and an injured six year old trying to figure out life without his dominant hand, there isn't much time for thoughts like those anyways...just quick prayers for more hands and lots of patience!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Almost 13th Disciple
Mark 10 describes what we commonly refer to the rich young ruler. You know, the guy whom Jesus invited to come follow Him, or as the amplified says, "walk the road that I walk." But as the story goes this man loved his life as it was too much – he was very wealthy and didn't want to give up all he had to be with Jesus. This begs the question in my own heart, what is it that I love too much that keeps me from walking the same road that Jesus is walking? Is it the comfort of having similar friends, all with the same interests and political points of view that keeps me from walking across the room with Jesus to the woman who very different than me and extending a hand of friendship? Or do I love my "downtime" too much – those few precious hours when the boys are all in bed – that I don't want to put down my novel and read something a bit more mind shaping?
Don't get me wrong, we all need our downtime, but do I want to it too much to heed Him when He does call? And there is nothing wrong with nurturing friendships with women that are like me….but do I do it to the exclusion of the woman that Jesus really wants me to get to know and love on? This man loved all he had…just a bit too much. It literally kept him from walking where Jesus walked.
Change my heart, Abba, so I don't miss the chance to walk with You wherever you are going.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Too cool for school...and back to it!
Hubby calls this his Chief Shakazooloo outfit.
For a kid who won't keep a hat on for me - he seems to have found a compromise. Good thing the helmet came with a built in pacifier window.
Of course they each wanted a picture of their new backpacks which took up 3/4s of their bodies.
Thing 2 - the big day finally came and he was the very first into the door at preschool...as he zoomed past the director said, this must be "Thing2". Hmmm, now how did she know?
Thing 1 on his first day of K. He loves it and hasn't looked back...to see me sniffling behind him. sigh...
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Counting My Blessings

A new year is a good time to stop and count my blessings...so here it goes in no particular order - 35 things I'm thankful for:
1)God's love
2) Hubby's love
3) Thing 1
4) Thing 2
5) Thing 3
6) Mom and Dad
7) Brother and family
8) Mother in law, FIL and the rest of my crazy family
9) A ministry I can be a part of
10) The opportunity to stay home with my boys
11) T1 is liking K so far and I'm getting used to him liking it
12) T2 will fulfill his lifelong dream next week and start preschool
13) The UPS truck just stopped in front of our house...hmmm
14) It was a box full of Nav tshirts - I guess I can be thankful for that even
though the color is all wrong - black and white! (sorry - inside joke) Brad your design has been re-birthed!
15) The giant - and I mean GIANT - sunflowers in our garden, I finally planted something that will outgrow the weeds! And they are really fun and pretty.
16) Watching my boys wander out to the backyard and eat all the raspberries
17) Enjoying a few when they remember to share...
18) My new ipod touch - very spoiled
19) Making some progress on the TMS - again - so far it has taken 35 years, hopefully it won't take 35 more for me to get all the way through it without forgetting the beginning.
20) Living the dream - even if there are some unexpected storms - He Holds me even closer on then
21) Pandora
22) One Place - how did I ever get time in the Word before this?
23) Hymns
24) Friends!!! Oh- I can't make it without them!
25) My Bible study - you ladies rock my life!
26) The sunrise this morning - it was even better when I went outside to watch it.
27) Making cookies
28) NAPS - theirs and mine!
29) Writing
30) Pictures of those I love
31) Generosity - toward us and from us
32) Good books
33) Chocolate
34) Running
35) Wrapping up my baby after a bath and smelling his head
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Capturing their Hearts
If someone were to make an action/ adventure film about Jesus' life, they would probably use Mark as the script. It is full of action, always something happening and told in a dramatic way, capturing my attention the past few days as I spend time in this book.
"And passing along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net in the sea, for they were fisherman. And Jesus said to them, Come after Me and I will make you to become fishers of men." Mark 1:16, 17
Here they are, two brothers out fishing just like they do every day, day in and day out. And then on this ordinary afternoon something extraordinary happens, Jesus appears. They had probably heard Him speak before, teaching about God and repentance. But this time He speaks directly to them! And not only does He speak to them, He invites them to come follow Him. And not only does He invite them to come follow Him, He even promises them a new identity in their following.
Jesus spoke to Simon Peter and his brother Andrew in a word picture that would grip their hearts. They were fishermen through and through, it was who they were and how they lived. When Jesus recruits them to be His followers He paints a picture that they can immediately identify with, casting a vision for them that they can grasp and get excited about. He asks them to leave their nets behind and learn to become fishers of men.
Jesus didn't have to promise them anything, didn't have to tell them why He was calling them or what they would be able to gain from leaving all they knew behind. But Jesus did. And I love that about Him. He doesn't owe us any explanation but gives it anyways. He gives us just enough information to help us surrender to Him and enter into a whole new life beyond our wildest imaginations.
This encounter with Jesus challenges me as I seek to lead others to Him. Do I call to them in a way that they can identify with? Do I describe…or even more convicting, do I model being a disciple of Jesus in a way that grips their hearts just as Jesus' word-picture of becoming a "fisher of men" must have struck Simon and Andrew? Or do I just blithely quote Romans 6:23, draw out a little picture of their depravity and expect them to sign up immediately? I don't really want to confess right here and now how many times I've miserably failed in this area….so I won't!
From Mark's description of Jesus' calling I am challenged and motivated to do a better job next time – starting with today. And I'm praying for inspiration – insight and knowledge into each heart that will help me paint word pictures that will capture them for the LOVE of a Lifetime.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Reflections on Suffering

I wrote this article about suffering...and about Heather, of course, for SAGE. Check it out here along with a lot of other great articles and resources:
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Just for Laughs
The other morning I informed Thing 1 that he was going to the doctor for his Kindergarten check up. We reviewed things that the Dr. might look at, i.e., his eyes and ears, etc. to which T1 replied, "Is he going to look at my butt?!!!" hmmm, 6 yr olds.
T2 came upstairs that same evening after taking longer than usual to get his pjs on. I called down once to see how things were going and got no reply. A few minutes later he emerged and saying, "I got dressed....but don't check!" Hmmmm...
"Don't check what?"
"Don't check my underwear."
"Okay." without checking I could tell he had on enough underwear to last a good week and a half. Upon further inspection it was 12 pairs exactly. Why is it that he either wants to wear none or a dozen? There is no in between in anything with that kid.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hellos and the lingering Goodbyes
Last night we had the privilege to host a going away party for some dear friends. I got off pretty easy as all the planning was done while we were on the road - I just had to open our home.
It was bittersweet of course watching everyone chat and have a great time knowing the whole point of the evening was to say goodbye. The kids bounced and splashed and sprayed the night away in the backyard...and it seemed totally normal to look out at one point and see spider-man (T2) spraying a group of kids on the trampoline to every one's delight (well except maybe for the one mom who wasn't planning on her son getting wet that evening...sorry Julie!).
As I contemplated saying goodbye to a close friend and confidant for three out of our four years here, I of course spent time remembering our first encounters and steps into a growing friendship. It all started with a hello. You never really know with that first hello what will follow. Will the final goodbye be just minutes behind, a one time encounter...or will it become a periphery friendship or maybe mature into a trusted inner-circle friend. With these dear friends I'm thankful that our final goodbye (at least to this season of friendship...it won't end, just change) was three years down the line from our first hello.
I can't help being sad. I know it wouldn't be normal if I wasn't but I put it off as long as possible anyways. In fact I refused to even say my goodbye last night knowing they aren't really leaving until Friday so I can stop by one last time today or tomorrow....probably tomorrow. :)
Again I'm faced with the reality that this world isn't all that God originally intended. A goodbye to a friend who is moving is a lighter shade of the separation that sickness and death bring. The separation that sin ushered in giving free reign to death in this world.
It is good to ache with goodbyes, and awaken my heart once again to the pain that God feels with His separation from us. We were created for relationship. Relationship with each other. Relationship with Him. And with each goodbye that I say this side of heaven I long even more for the next life when there will be no more goodbyes lingering behind the hellos.
And yet His grace ever present in my life is the presence of love and friendship. Even amidst a broken system, there is joy and life and relationship. Each a gift from Him. I'm thankful for these dear friends who have been another extension of His love and care in our lives. God be with you my friends, and I look forward to our next hello.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Home Again, Home Again.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thing 3's One Year Pictures
He isn't acting much like a baby anymore, in just the last few days our world has gotten a lot crazier with a new walker and expert climber and trash can obsessed toddler! Where did my baby go?! And he looks so innocent in these pictures...

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Every last Drop

Somewhere in 2 Timothy chapter 4, maybe verse 7? (Phillips) "As for me I feel that the last drops of my life are being poured out for God. The glorious fight that God gave me I have fought, the course that I was set I have finished, and I have kept the faith."
What a beautiful picture of a man fully dedicated to God to the end of his days and the beginning of Paradise. To the end of himself and the beginning of Him. To the end of aimlessness, wasted days and years and to the beinning of making every day dedicated to Him for His eternal purposes.
This verse reminds me to take on the routine tasks of daily living with the same heart and passion for God that Paul expresses here...till every ounce of me is poured out in dedication to Him. It starts each day with the end of me and the beinning of Him. Making myself open to God putting His stamp of eternal value on that day. I often can't see the long-term worth of another load of laundry done (there probably isn't any!) but if my heart is dedicated, my mind is focused and my spirit is committed to Him - then I've done my part (by His grace alone) and will be out of the way for Him to do His...to the end.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Months of Milestones!
At the end of March Thing 2 turned four. He requested a knight party and can't wait to start preschool in the fall...sigh...
In the begining of April Thing 3 turned one despite my pleadings that he stay a baby a little longer. He is getting really close to walking on his own and can clean out my kitchen cabinets almost as fast as he can crawl when he knows you are after him.
T1 turned 6 just this last week. He requested a Batman party and the silly kids all just wanted to jump on the trampoline in lieu of eating cake and ice cream.
T1 also just graduated from Pre-K last night. Goodbye preschool, lunches at home with mom every day, and life as we know it...hello all-day Kindergarten. Sigh...again...
The highlights of the ceremony included T1 being annoyed with the kid standing behind him because his cap kept getting knocked off...luckily it didn't come to blows. He also decided to leap off the middle bench to receive his diploma...of course. Why walk calmly when you can jump from "up high". I'm sure he will be doing the same thing 13 years from now at his HS graduation.
Is it really possible to get a family shot with everyone looking? As we walked up to the building for the ceremony, T1 and T2 were in a footrace to the door as usual and I turned to hubby and said, "Why do I have a feeling they will still be doing that 20 years from now?" To which he replied, "Try 30 years!"