The other morning I informed Thing 1 that he was going to the doctor for his Kindergarten check up. We reviewed things that the Dr. might look at, i.e., his eyes and ears, etc. to which T1 replied, "Is he going to look at my butt?!!!" hmmm, 6 yr olds.
T2 came upstairs that same evening after taking longer than usual to get his pjs on. I called down once to see how things were going and got no reply. A few minutes later he emerged and saying, "I got dressed....but don't check!" Hmmmm...
"Don't check what?"
"Don't check my underwear."
"Okay." without checking I could tell he had on enough underwear to last a good week and a half. Upon further inspection it was 12 pairs exactly. Why is it that he either wants to wear none or a dozen? There is no in between in anything with that kid.
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