Thursday, September 6, 2018

Gray Hair

Thing 3's latest thing is randomly responding to me by saying, "shrug." I'm not sure where he picked this up. I wonder if it has to do with reading too many comic books and thinking the characters are saying "shrug" instead of the narrator telling you they are shrugging???  No matter the source, this little man continues to make me laugh randomly with his funny way with words. And when he and his brothers aren't making me smile they are giving me gray hair.

One glorious unusually unscheduled Saturday I was desperate to get to a painting project in the garage. I directed the boys to a pile of scrap lumber, some tools and their fort in the backyard thinking they would add a few walls to enclose it a bit more. A few hours later with my hutch a happy antiqued gray (to match my hair, of course) I went out back to discover they had added a third story unenclosed platform to their playset a good 12 feet up. With the trampoline pushed up next to it they can now jump from an even higher level to their deaths delight.

I spotted my first gray hair at least a year ago and promptly named it after our oldest son. A few months ago my hair stylist gently informed me that they were multiplying. I smiled and said that I would name them after sons #2 and #3. I haven't seen them but I'm sure there are only 3 up there. :) But the more I watch my boys grow, laugh at their funny ways, and gasp as they fly off the fort, the more I'll be visiting my stylist, because really, who wants their hair to match their antiqued trendy gray hutch anyways? And I've run out of boys to name them after...


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