A new year is a good time to stop and count my blessings...so here it goes in no particular order - 35 things I'm thankful for:
1)God's love
2) Hubby's love
3) Thing 1
4) Thing 2
5) Thing 3
6) Mom and Dad
7) Brother and family
8) Mother in law, FIL and the rest of my crazy family
9) A ministry I can be a part of
10) The opportunity to stay home with my boys
11) T1 is liking K so far and I'm getting used to him liking it
12) T2 will fulfill his lifelong dream next week and start preschool
13) The UPS truck just stopped in front of our house...hmmm
14) It was a box full of Nav tshirts - I guess I can be thankful for that even
though the color is all wrong - black and white! (sorry - inside joke) Brad your design has been re-birthed!
15) The giant - and I mean GIANT - sunflowers in our garden, I finally planted something that will outgrow the weeds! And they are really fun and pretty.
16) Watching my boys wander out to the backyard and eat all the raspberries
17) Enjoying a few when they remember to share...
18) My new ipod touch - very spoiled
19) Making some progress on the TMS - again - so far it has taken 35 years, hopefully it won't take 35 more for me to get all the way through it without forgetting the beginning.
20) Living the dream - even if there are some unexpected storms - He Holds me even closer on then
21) Pandora
22) One Place - how did I ever get time in the Word before this?
23) Hymns
24) Friends!!! Oh- I can't make it without them!
25) My Bible study - you ladies rock my life!
26) The sunrise this morning - it was even better when I went outside to watch it.
27) Making cookies
28) NAPS - theirs and mine!
29) Writing
30) Pictures of those I love
31) Generosity - toward us and from us
32) Good books
33) Chocolate
34) Running
35) Wrapping up my baby after a bath and smelling his head
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