Mark 10 describes what we commonly refer to the rich young ruler. You know, the guy whom Jesus invited to come follow Him, or as the amplified says, "walk the road that I walk." But as the story goes this man loved his life as it was too much – he was very wealthy and didn't want to give up all he had to be with Jesus. This begs the question in my own heart, what is it that I love too much that keeps me from walking the same road that Jesus is walking? Is it the comfort of having similar friends, all with the same interests and political points of view that keeps me from walking across the room with Jesus to the woman who very different than me and extending a hand of friendship? Or do I love my "downtime" too much – those few precious hours when the boys are all in bed – that I don't want to put down my novel and read something a bit more mind shaping?
Don't get me wrong, we all need our downtime, but do I want to it too much to heed Him when He does call? And there is nothing wrong with nurturing friendships with women that are like me….but do I do it to the exclusion of the woman that Jesus really wants me to get to know and love on? This man loved all he had…just a bit too much. It literally kept him from walking where Jesus walked.
Change my heart, Abba, so I don't miss the chance to walk with You wherever you are going.
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