We were all having a great time and in the words of Go Fish "feelin kinda snazzy" and then...with two hot dogs in my hand I heard T1 screaming across the lawn in the inflatable bouncy thing. I scooped him up as he was screaming that his arm hurt. In hindsight had I known I was going to have to recount all the junkfood I allowed him to consume to go down on his medical record I think I would have at least fed him a banana or something in there...not one of my shining mommy moments. But oh well! Sooo instead of rockin the night away we ended it like this:
He ended up with some dislocation in his elbow I think and two breaks right above the elbow. Lots of drugs, some gruesome doctoring to get things back in place and way too much pain for my little guy (before the drugs) and we were on our way home.
Thankfully some great friends were on hand to keep T2 with them at the concert and they thoughtfully bought him his own glow stick, cd and dvd which he enjoyed when he got home.
And when you are down and out you might as well have a neb treatment or two for that darn asthma. Poor guys...some days are just like this. Thankfully most of them aren't.
We are praying that all stays in place the way it should so we don't have to do the surgery thing. Thanks for praying with us. And while you are praying here are some praises: We are thankful for good medical care, drugs, friends in place to take care of the other Things, the 30+ college friends who were at our house for a meeting when we got home that were praying for him, our staff team that stepped in place to lead the meeting at the last minute...the list goes on and on.
As I look at that list I'm reminded once again that God never fails to meet our every need in times of need - despite our distance from family that we would normally rely on in times like these. He is good and faithful.
My little faith is trying to shrug off feelings of guilt that if I had been praying more for my kids protection this wouldn't have happened...I know, crazy thoughts, but there they are. Thankfully with a curious, climbing toddler, an active 4 year old and an injured six year old trying to figure out life without his dominant hand, there isn't much time for thoughts like those anyways...just quick prayers for more hands and lots of patience!
1 comment:
Oh bummer. I have to admit, I would have guessed that this would have happened sooner with three boys in the house :)
Hard to believe he broke something in an inflatable bouncy thing...but ouch, that looked painful. We're praying for a quick recovery!!
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