At the end of March Thing 2 turned four. He requested a knight party and can't wait to start preschool in the fall...sigh...
In the begining of April Thing 3 turned one despite my pleadings that he stay a baby a little longer. He is getting really close to walking on his own and can clean out my kitchen cabinets almost as fast as he can crawl when he knows you are after him.
T1 turned 6 just this last week. He requested a Batman party and the silly kids all just wanted to jump on the trampoline in lieu of eating cake and ice cream.
T1 also just graduated from Pre-K last night. Goodbye preschool, lunches at home with mom every day, and life as we know it...hello all-day Kindergarten. Sigh...again...
The highlights of the ceremony included T1 being annoyed with the kid standing behind him because his cap kept getting knocked off...luckily it didn't come to blows. He also decided to leap off the middle bench to receive his diploma...of course. Why walk calmly when you can jump from "up high". I'm sure he will be doing the same thing 13 years from now at his HS graduation.
Is it really possible to get a family shot with everyone looking? As we walked up to the building for the ceremony, T1 and T2 were in a footrace to the door as usual and I turned to hubby and said, "Why do I have a feeling they will still be doing that 20 years from now?" To which he replied, "Try 30 years!"
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