Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Remembering - Thing 2's Birth-Day

We recently celebrated Thing 2's 14th birthday. 

I did a little reminiscing in my journal:

Fourteen years ago today I thought I had one more day to be pregnant, shop for a new baby outfit to take to the hospital, go out for a Thai dinner date with your dad and get induced the next day. But you had other plans. Instead I waddled through contractions at the mall while buying said outfit. Your grandma looked on with worried glances fearing I'd have you right there in the children's play area.

Later when the contractions didn't stop I told your dad we better skip the Thai food and head to the hospital. I made him drive thru Arby's on the way (my previous labor lasted 30 hours and I wanted a final meal). Once we got there your dad sat quietly in the corner of our room eating his fries while the nurse gave him dirty looks. He outed me telling her I ate mine in the car! Sure enough that was all enough commotion to stop my contractions but given the choice to induce then or the next day at some unknown hour, I chose then!

Three hours later (TWENTY SEVEN hour quicker than your big brother) you came into the world. I looked at your big soon-to be brown eyes, and fuzzy blond head,  held you close and sang you your special song. When they put you in my arms you taught me how the heart miraculously expands in an instant, making room to love one more.

Coming in a pound heavier and an inch longer than your brother,  that outfit was too small. But the stocking cap I bought did fit. Your dad proudly exclaimed you were the ONLY baby in the nursery with a monkey hat.

The pediatrician came to see you and his first comment was about your big hands and feet - I thought that was a funny thing to say when you look at newborns every day. But I figured that meant you were going to be tall, growing into your paws like a puppy. And as you already tower over me that prediction was correct!

From the moment you could crawl right at 6 months, you have always been on the go with your eye on the next adventure. My only goal is to keep you alive and out of trouble. I was disappointed you skipped the sitting up and staying in one place stage. You've stretched me with your abilities to climb too high, swallow things you shouldn't (batteries!) and your love of all creatures (even snakes!!!).Two sons in under two years, our quiver was rapidly filling up.

Oh how I love being a mom. Each new day brings new adventures with three boys that are all too quickly becoming men. We love you!

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