Saturday, August 17, 2019

First Day of School Pics 2019-2020 - Yes, those are Handcuffs.

These boys are growing way too fast and it is hard for my heart to keep up.

Thing 1 started high school! He has the flown the homeschooling coop and is doing a hybrid program where he attends 4 half days a week. He is looking forward to electives in backpacking and beekeeping! (hmmm, I wonder if a hive would fit back by our chicken coop).

How is it possible my "baby" is in 5th grade? I think I should have held him back.

And our resident middle schooler is looking forward to TRACKS with his best friend  (an outside-in-the-woods school one day a week). 

We had a GREAT first day together just the three of us - and the noisy parakeet, co-dependent dog, dwarf hamster and chickens. We enjoyed a big breakfast and Bible time all together as a family, rode bikes and climbed trees for PE, and then got down to business with some seat work.

Homeschooling tip --- handcuffs help.
Kidding!!!! (mostly)

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