Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Brilliant Idea

I recently spent some time with a group of younger ladies that are all staff training with the Navs. I was challenged by several them sharing with the group how scripture more sustains them to keep growing with God. I have let memorization slide the past semester and decided my application from our  time would be to renew that habit. Since I'm not sure what drawer I stashed my verse pack in six months ago I'm writing it all out. But this morning as I was reviewing from the app on my phone I had the great idea (and we know where all great ideas really come from) to take a screen shot of the verses and save them as my screen/wallpaper. Now every time I turn on my phone (which is 100times a day) I am automatically reminded to review that verse! And I know I won't stash my phone away to forget for months on end. 
If you have other tricks for memorizing I would love to hear them!

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