Thursday, December 20, 2012

Simple Faith: A Lesson from Mary

Dear Molly,

Luke 1:26-38
When you first meet Mary you can’t help but fall in love with her simple, unassuming faith.  She doesn’t ask a lot of questions, unlike Zechariah, but believes everything the angel tells her will happen. Mary doesn’t wonder if at God’s ability to carry out His plan, but only her own ability to take part being a virgin.  

Mary must have known her whole life was going to be turned upside down with this unplanned and unexplainable pregnancy.  Surely she had a million more questions but she had even more faith to trust God to work out all the details.  She knew God enough to know He was trustworthy.  And she knew who she was and her part which was to serve Him (Luke1:38). 

I want that kind of faith.  I want to welcome God wherever He pops up unexpectedly, and to let Him have His way with my life.  I want to welcome Jesus into my world, let Him literally take over my whole life as He did Mary’s, and not worry about the details.  The problem is too often I question what He is asking of me.  I worry away the details.  I try to be God and make Him my servant instead of the other way around.     

Give me the simple, courageous faith of Mary, Abba, to acknowledge you as God and myself as your servant. Help me to do my part, no matter how big or small.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super encouraged by this today, Sherry (: let's get together sooooon!!! I wanna be a Molly!