Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rhubarb Punch recipe with a long commentary on rhubarb pie.

       I just slid my first strawberry rhubarb pie into the oven. Ohh what I will do to bribe my husband into bringing me home an iced soy decaf caramel macchiato....err, I mean how much I love my hubby!   And he will be thrilled to know that there is not an ounce of coconut oil in my homemade pie crust.  The last pie I made I attempted to make "healthier" with a coconut oil crust.  He was wise enough at the time to not tell me he doesn't really like the taste of coconut but I'm sure his disappointment was bitter as I do not make pies very often.  He has a high affinity for them and alas so do I with very little self control so my only defense is to avoid making them all together.  Ergo this crust is full of crisco and oh so tasty!  And I know my friend Virginia is shuddering right now.  If you want a healthy pie recipe you will have to read her healthy whole food blog here...but first you will have to ask her to post one.  (V, I'd be happy to come and sample if you want to try out some recipes.  I know, I know, I'm such a servant).

Anyways this post isn't really about pies at all and it definitely isn't about eating healthy. That pie which is making the house smell amazing right now reminded me that I wanted to post my MIL's recipe for rhubarb punch!  I'll give you the original recipe which is intended to be made in bulk and then canned.  We cut it way back for everyday consumption and much to my surprise hubby even halfed the sugar without my asking after making an initial super sweet batch. He exclaimed, "Now I know why I loved this stuff so much as a kid, it is loaded with sugar!"  So bring on the sugar and do something with that rhubarb that is overtaking your garden...
Rhubarb Punch - by, Helga
18 cups rhubarb (cut into 1/2 " pieces)
6 quarts water
4 1/2 c. sugar (see what I mean! Hello dentist, just take all my money!)
1  6 oz package of strawberry jello

Boil rhubarb for 15min. until soft.  Strain through cheese cloth as for jelly.  Add sugar, jello and bring to full boil.  You can freeze it or can it.  Pour into sterilized jars and seal.  Process for 10 min.

When serving mix with ginger ale or 7up if desired.

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