Saturday, December 10, 2011

It is Always Easier to ask for Forgiveness than Permission


Thing 1: Mom, can I put stickers all over my kids computer (toy)?
Me: Ummm...sure, why not.
Thing 1: Great, you wanna see it? I already put them on.

1 comment:

dancinglife said...

Hi Sherry,

Nice to tune in and catch some of your blog posts. Beautiful family. Like your thoughtful writings. Glad you two are taking a sabbatical. I talked with a 60's something Navigators couple who were taking a sabbatical for the first time in years and years and years. They had burned out. God was restoring long neglected talents and gifts. The man was a painter/an artist yet had been pouring so much virtue into people ministry that it was detrimental to his soul and the woman had all sorts of health problems. Nav counselors were working with them for major changes in their lives. It is wise to take your sabbatical now and continue to incorporate rest and self-care in order to avoid that kind of crash and burn later on. Praise God for His rest as we walk in yoke with Him, in step with the Spirit... Easy and light. Love, Holly H.