Friday, May 20, 2011

Our New Pad

I took some pictures of our house to post but have no idea how to do that with our borrowed computer...sorry! I hope to get internet on my laptop eventually and will get them up soon. In the meantime I'll describe it to you -
It is white with blue trim, a stone chimney on the side, outdoor deck and steps that lead down to a second level apartment that our friends are living in. Unfortunately for them they live below three loud boys for the summer - I apologize now to their adorable six month old daughter who might be an only child as a result of their living situation this summer. I'm doing my best to keep the boys from jumping off the beds before 7am but I'm not always successful.
Our house is surrounded by trees and on the edge of a ravine with LOTS of steps down to a river (which I consider my free stair-master). So far the boys have been pretty good about staying within the boundaries we give them and are enamored enough with living in a forest. I try not to be too grossed out when the climb under the porch to retrieve a lost ball and have faithfully placed all soil ridden wildflowers picked for me into a vase on our wobbly drop-leaf kitchen table.
We have already explored one park in the area and inspected the Culvers - the frozen custard is defiantly up to par. Later we hope to take a hike and are anxiously awaiting the opening of the pool down the road - May 27th can't come fast enough for three little boys even though we have yet to get above 75 degree weather.
That's all for now as thing 1 just disconnected the dvd player (aka my only sanity) and now I must figure out how to get it functioning again -( add electrical engineering training to the required reading for a mom!).

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