Thursday, August 12, 2010

Capturing their Hearts

If someone were to make an action/ adventure film about Jesus' life, they would probably use Mark as the script. It is full of action, always something happening and told in a dramatic way, capturing my attention the past few days as I spend time in this book.

"And passing along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net in the sea, for they were fisherman. And Jesus said to them, Come after Me and I will make you to become fishers of men." Mark 1:16, 17

Here they are, two brothers out fishing just like they do every day, day in and day out. And then on this ordinary afternoon something extraordinary happens, Jesus appears. They had probably heard Him speak before, teaching about God and repentance. But this time He speaks directly to them! And not only does He speak to them, He invites them to come follow Him. And not only does He invite them to come follow Him, He even promises them a new identity in their following.

Jesus spoke to Simon Peter and his brother Andrew in a word picture that would grip their hearts. They were fishermen through and through, it was who they were and how they lived. When Jesus recruits them to be His followers He paints a picture that they can immediately identify with, casting a vision for them that they can grasp and get excited about. He asks them to leave their nets behind and learn to become fishers of men.

Jesus didn't have to promise them anything, didn't have to tell them why He was calling them or what they would be able to gain from leaving all they knew behind. But Jesus did. And I love that about Him. He doesn't owe us any explanation but gives it anyways. He gives us just enough information to help us surrender to Him and enter into a whole new life beyond our wildest imaginations.

This encounter with Jesus challenges me as I seek to lead others to Him. Do I call to them in a way that they can identify with? Do I describe…or even more convicting, do I model being a disciple of Jesus in a way that grips their hearts just as Jesus' word-picture of becoming a "fisher of men" must have struck Simon and Andrew? Or do I just blithely quote Romans 6:23, draw out a little picture of their depravity and expect them to sign up immediately? I don't really want to confess right here and now how many times I've miserably failed in this area….so I won't!

From Mark's description of Jesus' calling I am challenged and motivated to do a better job next time – starting with today. And I'm praying for inspiration – insight and knowledge into each heart that will help me paint word pictures that will capture them for the LOVE of a Lifetime.

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