Monday, March 22, 2010

Chicago - How did it go?

I got this email last week from my co-laborer and friend Emilie. Since I wasn't in Chicago she can better sum up the week than I! Thanks Em, for letting me share this.

Last week at our large group gathering, NavNite, in 'the Rotunda' on campus, students had the chance to share at the microphone what God taught them over spring break or is teaching them now in life. One girl stood up and said, "I learned so much in Chicago, I could keep you here all night..." I like this. It sums up what a lot of us 30 participants left Chicago feeling...

Some Windy City snapshots:
making an assembly line up 5 flights of stairs to throw hundreds of garbage bags of donated clothing to their desired destination.
listening to Joseph, a resident at the shelter, preach his heart for God and for us on Thursday afternoon.
scrubbing walls, building bunk beds, & removing bed-bug-infested mattresses in the part of the shelter where families stay.
studying what the Bible has to say about the dignity & worth of every individual, justice, and poverty.
worshipping & praying in the sanctuary of the church we stayed at.
watching God grow servant hearts and visions of all that's in the world.
sharing Jesus with a few diverse people on the "L" and public buses.
learning what community in the body is all about - how wonderful and healthy it can be.
humbled by so many lessons.

Your prayers were answered - thank you, thank you, thank you. How powerful and invaluable.

Not quite sure what The Navigators are all about? Here's a YouTube video for the work of The Navs in 2009. I'm honored to be a small chunk of what's going on. PLEASE check it out...

1 comment:

Adam J said...

Hey Sherri - just wanted to let you know that you can post a YouTube video window in your blog posting by copy/paste the "embed" code from under the video, and paste it in your blog with the "html" code area.

Glad to hear the trip went well - serving opportunities continue to be the lead in helping students capture a life long relationship with Christ - Thanks for filling that gap of the college years!