Monday, December 22, 2008

Blizzards, Pennies, the Stomach Bug and My Hero

Life has been eventful if nothing else here lately. We've been taking our turn with the stomach bug that is going around. First T2 had it, then Hubby and most recently T1. This mixed in over two blizzards in one week and I haven't been out much lately! Hubby has sent me out a couple times for my own sanity. The boys have watched way too many videos with all the sickness and bad weather and I'm longing for green grass and warmer temps (it is currently minus 17 today).

Thing 1's encounter with the "flu" had an interesting twist...don't worry no gory details will be shared. On Wed. last week he was down in the basement "napping", Hubby was recovering from the flu and T2 and I were taking a quick nap. When I went downstairs to tell T1 he could "get up" he informed me that he had swallowed a penny. Great! I called to doctor to see if I needed to be concerned or if he was just worth more now. They told me in so many words he is just going to cost more and I needed to bring him in right away. So after he "negotiated" with the doctor about "no shots and no xrays" we convinced him the xray wouldn't hurt. I think it was the most painful for me to listen to his pitiful cries for me from the xray room where he emerged in the tech's arms a few minutes later.

The doctor showed us the x-ray and I resisted the urge to whip out my cell phone to take a photo of it for hubby and you all, it was pretty cool though. The best news of the day was when he told me it should pass just fine and that I didn't have to watch for it! Phew! (I remembered my sister-in-law telling me that when my nephew swallowed a nail she had to watch for it (eww!).) So getting back to the flu, the doctor said if it did get stuck that T1 would start throwing up and having diarrhea. Great. So what does he start doing the next night at guessed it! I called the ER nurse and she talked me through an exam and what to look for and said I could keep him home for now. In the end it was just the flu...I never thought I'd pray my son had the flu.

The hero through all this was Hubby. He was up countless times with the Things while they threw up through the nights. He even slept on the couch and sent me to bed so I could be rested for the next day.

I'm praying that none of our staff who were over in between cases for a staff meeting last week (and myself) don't come down with it next. Hopefully all sickness and money swallowing is behind us and we can enjoy a nice Christmas, if not warmer weather, in WI with our family.

With that...Merry Christmas!

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