The boys love their new baby brother. T3 has even given T1 and I a few smiles. Hubby is still waiting for his.

Last week we took a tour of the local fire station.

We even got to talk to the police officer on the way out.

On Sunday we hosted all the seniors for a special dinner and seminars. Guest speakers discussed how to set up a budget, etc. and gave a ton of useful information, much from Dave Ramsey's books. Other topics included finding a church, having a personal ministry, and transitioning from college to career.

Both of the older boys have started riding bikes in the past couple weeks. They mostly ride in the garage since we live on a dirt road. Hubby likes to do his wood working while they ride around and I enjoy a little peace and quiet...sort of.

Thing 3 loves to sleep on anyone who is willing to hold him.

Hubby started on his farmer's sunburn...err, tan early, the benefits of holding a staff meeting outside for a few hours. Thing 3 was doing his best to absorb the heat from his sunburn.
What a sweet baby! Thanks for posting! Sara
After three long weeks without a computer (thanks to a burned out motherboard....) I'm back. It' sgreat to see the pictures of you guys. You look amazing and the big P, I mean T3 looks sooooo cute and cuddly. yaaaY
Man, I miss those days when your kiddo could fit totally on your chest, and your fingertips would go numb making sure they didn't nudge off.
Our #1 is just 1 foot shorter than his mama, and is only 2 shoe sizes away from matching hers . . .
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