First off - thank you to all who emailed and commented on my last post. I appreciate all your encouraging words and support. I apologize to those who I made cry, it wasn't my intention - just wanting to share our journey with you.
Now, on to lighter things...many of you have expressed confusion over Thing 3's name. It was never our intent to confuse...we just simply can't agree is all. Hubby is set on Thing 3's middle name and I'm set on his first, most of the time. When he is up often at night (as he has been the last two nights) I call him by his middle name as well. :) I can't decide which he looks more like, so I go back and forth between them. Hubby also thinks it will be cool for him to sign his name with his first initial, full middle name and then last. I guess when Thing 3 is old enough to talk he can decide what he wants to be called. Hopefully we won't cause him to have an identity crisis between now and then.
Thing 3 isn't the only one who can't decide on an identity in our house. T2 is also trying on many different roles these days. He still hangs onto being an Army guy most of the time, but also changes outfits multiple times a day to match whatever "guy" he is at the hour. He also sports "soccer guy", "baseball guy", and spiderman. Yesterday morning I'm not sure what he was, but he came upstairs "dressed" in spiderman underwear, a yellow blue's clues vest, and a long sleeved camo shirt on top. Nothing else. It was quite the outfit. I was thankful that he decided to change identities before we had to go out in public.
You can put in your two cents - vote on what name T3 should go by - just scroll down on the right hand column to find the poll. Which name do you think fits him best???
I can't find the poll!!! I looked, but I vote for the first name. It has, quite honestly, been a pain going by my middle name. You have to correct every teacher that you have every year in school, and even then, they don't always get it right. Your tax forms are a mess because you "go by" your middle name, but it isn't your legal first name. Again, I vote for whatever the cutie's first name is, but that is my 2 cents :). Whatever you all decide is totally fine!! Obviously, I have survived.
Oh Sherry, i haven't really been on the computer much the last couple weeks (yaaaay). So i started reading your previous post with my heart in my throat, thinking something had changed! Praise God. He knows what we need, desire, can handle right NOW, AND He knows what other curves are ahead for us along the way.....BTW, I love the first initial, full middle, full last signature idea. Too cute, and you should teach him to do that before kinder and freak the teachers out. I love his middle as an everyday name!! Vinh turns 7!!!!! tomorrow. Can you believe it?
I do agree with Heather! In fact I think you should teach him to do it in cursive before Kinder :) wouldn't they be surprised?? I must admit that the middle seems to roll more easily off the tongue along with T1 and T2.
As for your earlier post, yes, I cried my eyes out but it was a good lesson for my kids as they asked... Mom... why is the computer making you cry?? We had a great discussion, thanks! I am glad that God did not require you to take that field trip, but only have a little pre-view. Still, regardless, He is good and He is sovereign. Thanks for the updates!
We have a similar thing going on with our 3rd son. His name is Orry Benjamin. Half the time we call him Ben, other half Orry, and then combinations of the names. :-)
I think I have a vote for Gus because I have to do another trout and that means that I must have some clout here
From a teacher's perspective it is quite annoying to get a class list during the summer and prepare all the birthday reminders, desk labels and locker assignments based on the names on the list, only to find out on the first day of school that the student doesn't go by their first name. Do you really want to give T3 a disadvantage in school by having the teacher annoyed with him from day 1? As for letting him choose his name when he is older... Sometimes the choice really isn't up to that person. Just ask Bugs!
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