Pint sized would describe the length and frequency of my times to pray and read my Bible lately. But it also describes God's methods for ensuring I continue in prayer and growth despite my ability/dedication to focus in on lengthy times with Him as I have been in the past. As I'm sure many moms can relate to, He often uses the little people in my life to teach me about Him and see many of my own shortcomings.
I haven't had lengthy prayer times lately, but when T3 is wide awake after his 3am feeding, I pray very focused and fervent prayers for him to go right to sleep! Amazingly, I often can't go right to sleep even when he does, so I lay awake and sometimes use this time to pray for those who I know need it.
Yesterday we were finally to the planting stage of our garden. As T1 and I worked together to plant the tiny corn seeds I asked him, "Can you believe that this little seed will grow into a big corn plant?" and he just mater-a-factly said, "Of course it will." Immediately Abba whispered, "the faith of a child", reminding me to keep my faith simple and just believe. Why do I have to doubt and question everything?
This morning as I drove T1 to his last day of preschool (wasn't it just yesterday I was journaling about his first day?) I reflected on my short temper earlier when he spilled my coffee all over the kitchen counter while reaching for something that I asked him to wait for. (You know the old adage, "don't cry over spilt milk?"...I think it would be more appropriate to say, "don't yell over spilt milk...or coffee.") Anyways, I asked him to forgive me for getting upset so quickly with him and he quickly replied, "I already forgave you, Mom. I always forgive you and Daddy right away when you yell at me." Double whammy! Why do I yell so often? And how is it that he is so quick to forgive and I am so slow in letting go, instead choosing to nurse a grudge and lick my wounds? Again, a challenge to grow coming from the pint sized little person in the car seat behind me.
So despite my lack of attention to pursuing our Father, (which, yes, is sometimes related to this season of little ones), He is faithfully pursuing me. And He is using these same pint sized "time grabbers" to teach me and challenge me to grow closer to Him every day.
Hey Sherry,
Just got back from Group North this evening and was checking in on my favorite blogs. Thanks for your beautiful reminder of how our little ones teach us so much! I'll miss seeing you this week! Love,
Karen :)
sooooo true, sherry! oh, the opportunities our kiddos give us for growth! i have been on my own since Saturday as Phil has been at a conference, and is now in DC....So much harder to have patience at the end of the day when he is not home!
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