Slowly, one by one, hubby had been changing our bulbs over to florescent and easing me into the transition. I don't really like the light they put off but he makes a big effort to test out new ones and find ones I do like. But it doesn't save you a whole lot when they are left on all the time (a big pet peeve for hubby).
In an effort to "Go Green" (okay, really I'm just trying to please my husband and save a little dough), I decided to encourage the Things to remember to turn the lights off when they leave a room. I told the boys that whenever they remember on their own to turn off a light they will be rewarded with a jelly bean. Thing 1 has caught on right away and enthusiastically reaps lots of beans every day. It hasn't taken too long for Thing 2 to realize he is missing out and join in the "Green" effort as well.
If you have any tips for teaching your kids to go green I'd love to hear them!
BTW - Thing 3 is two weeks old today! It has been an adventure adjusting to three. Having my mom here was a HUGE help and only hours after she left I was already wayyyy behind in my laundry (and sleep). Hubby has been battling some sort of plague and has been banished to the basement since the day she left. So I'm thankful that Thing 3 is a fairly good sleeper at night, just up ever 3 - 4 hours to eat and then back to sleep.
Here's a tip for saving water... If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down!!!
the third one knows not to make trouble....at least when they are babies!
the third one knows to be good....at least until they get older and then, watch out!!! He is so cute. Can't wait to see him up close and personal.
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