Easter turned out to be a much bigger deal than I had anticipated around here...probably just as it should be, after all, how can you under celebrate such an important day!
It started with a quick trip through Target where I was surprised to see hubby dumping piles of candy into our cart. He then explained that Easter was a BIG deal growing up, at least if the amount of candy you got equaled the amount that you celebrated. After 8 1/2 years of marriage I'm still learning new things about him and in the most unexpected places, like the candy aisle.
The boys got to go on 3 Easter egg hunts...two of which were spontaneous and unplanned by us...probably making our one little planned one at home seem pretty mediocre. They also got huge Easter baskets from a good friend at church filled with toys, clothes, games and of course, candy. Definitely making ours look less than mediocre, if not for the plethora of candy hubby had ensured was overflowing from them.
In the end I'm glad with all the attention put on Thing 3 these days that that the first 2 Things got spoiled a bit, it couldn't have come at a better time. Just another way God continues to provide where I fall short!
Hope you all had a blessed Easter as well! It sure was nice spending our first Sunday all together in church celebrating His Resurrection...what a great memory for us to hold onto.
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