Friday, October 28, 2011


“What does it mean for me as a stay-at-home-mom to ‘seek first the kingdom of God?’” I asked hubby this question not too many weeks ago. Matt. 6:31 is one of those reoccurring verses in my life during this sabbatical season. It popped up again in my devotional this morning and I was brought back to this basic question, How do I seek Him first in all that I do? More importantly, How am I not seeking Him first and what do I need to do to change that? Certainly not worrying about everyday things like food and clothing is a good place to start, as Jesus suggests in that passage (Matt.6:31-34).
I wonder if learning to seek His kingdom first and see all the hours of my day through His eyes is one key to inner renewal. Ringa writes that the challenge in serving without being depleted is, “…not only to learn to pace ourselves, to set limits,…it is a matter of creatively using time for ourselves…(for)inner renewal…gaining new directions and insights, lest we constantly make the same mistakes and fail to establish patterns that facilitate growth” (#54).
As we talked through our sabbatical with a counselor last week she encouraged us to nail down and do the things that keep our tanks full and healthy. She suggested that if we learn nothing else during this season but how to better self-care during regular life then we have accomplished much. AHA, so that is what this season is all about! Finally a tangible goal I can focus on! 

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