Carving pumpkins at the very last minute! I wish I could have gotten a pic of the squirrel inside T1'a jack-o-lantern happily munching away yesterday!
Thing 2 is an off the charts ENFP, everything in his life is a party. Despite my best efforts I gave into his constant petitioning for a party. When he started inventing games for it before I had even agreed to one I knew I was in for it. Luckily I got away with just inviting one favorite neighborhood playmate and her folks over for a short dinner before trick-or-treating. And bc the Eye-Ball-Race and Spin the Gourd games were included along with a few Halloween shaped jello molds T2 was satisfied.
This year we tried something new. We went to campus to do trick-or-treating in the dorms. The college gals all thought the Things were "SO CUTE" and they made a haul in a short amount of time! I liked seeing the students, being inside where it was warm and eating a few chocolate candies along the way (just to keep up my stamina, of course! There are a lot of stairs in dorms!).
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