Thing 3 is 3 months old now!

Hanging out at the local pool.

We took a spontaneous picnic last week in our beautiful downtown gardens. I think Thing 2 took this picture, along with lots of pictures of the ground and his feet. :)

We celebrated the 4th by going to the parade of course. The Things begged for candy from every person, firefighter, policeperson, and tractor that passed by. We joined some friends for fireworks and grilling out later that day. Our friend took this photo and had asked the boys to lay down, and they all did...just not all in the same way! Ahh, 3 year olds, you have to be soooo specific!

Ahh, aren't they cute?! Not sure why one is crying...hmmm.

Uncle Sam Jam - our city puts on a big to-do after the parade. you can go jump, ride ponies, a train, etc. all free for the kids. One of the perks of living in a small town I guess.

Enjoying the bikepath about 5 minutes from our house.

The first fruits of our garden. If you can tell me how many cups of grated zucchini I got from this one I'll send you a prize. Really! Just take a guess. And then stop on by for a loaf of zucchini bread anytime!

Okay, further proof that Reverse Osmosis Water Filters are worth their weight in gold, or in this case, sludge! Ick. This is what it looks like if you haven't changed it in 3 years (just 2 1/2 years past the recommended life of the filter). Won't do that again!

Thing 2 with his prized balloon sword. It was good for about 3.4 minutes of entertainment until it popped.

And saving the best news for last...another great reason to live in our po-dunk town. WE ARE GETTING A CULVERS!!!! Can anyone say, "heart bypass"...yum! I can taste the deep fried cheese curds already!
4 cups :)
Hope you are doing great, looks like a fun summer!
I love seeing pictures of your family! It reminds me of last summer.
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