For several years I've been adjusting to my role in this house as a second-rate citizen. After reading Dobson's book, "Brining Up Boys", I bravely embraced my sons' preference for their father above me from the time they were weaned. In fact, I encouraged this bonding to ensure a strong male-role model in their lives and hopefully a long lasting best-friend relationship with their Dad. I'd like to think Dr. Dobson would give me a nod for this couragous attitude.
But I wasn't prepared to be demoted even lower on the totem pole to third-rate citizen in my house (nor was hubby for that matter, who now holds my former post as second in line). This was an after effect (affect? help me out English majors) of inviting, N., one of our four EDGErs to live with us. We are very excited to have hims as a part of are family; but nobody is more excited about this new arrangement than T 1 and T 2.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Where's N?" I'd be a wealthy woman living in the Bahamas. The boys absolutely love playing with him and it isn't hard to see why. N. is a fun, get down on the floor, teach them cool new games (like freeze tag) and laugh at their silly jokes kind of guy. He has quickly become the funnest person in the house. Not to mention he brings great strengths to our staff team that will be invaluable in the year to come. Dare we hope years to come? :)
I don't want to sound at all like I'm upset with my new status in the house. In fact with the persistent fatigue of pregnancy I'm actually elated to have more help with the boys. And N. has a free pass to escape downstairs whenever he needs to get away. Which leaves me wondering where I can get one of those? I guess I don't get one. And I guess I'm okay with that too. Because even though I'm third in line, I will never lose my status as Mom. And that is one of the best role I've had the privaledge of playing yet.
But I wasn't prepared to be demoted even lower on the totem pole to third-rate citizen in my house (nor was hubby for that matter, who now holds my former post as second in line). This was an after effect (affect? help me out English majors) of inviting, N., one of our four EDGErs to live with us. We are very excited to have hims as a part of are family; but nobody is more excited about this new arrangement than T 1 and T 2.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Where's N?" I'd be a wealthy woman living in the Bahamas. The boys absolutely love playing with him and it isn't hard to see why. N. is a fun, get down on the floor, teach them cool new games (like freeze tag) and laugh at their silly jokes kind of guy. He has quickly become the funnest person in the house. Not to mention he brings great strengths to our staff team that will be invaluable in the year to come. Dare we hope years to come? :)
I don't want to sound at all like I'm upset with my new status in the house. In fact with the persistent fatigue of pregnancy I'm actually elated to have more help with the boys. And N. has a free pass to escape downstairs whenever he needs to get away. Which leaves me wondering where I can get one of those? I guess I don't get one. And I guess I'm okay with that too. Because even though I'm third in line, I will never lose my status as Mom. And that is one of the best role I've had the privaledge of playing yet.
(Above is a photo of N. and the boys filling up water balloons, no need to wonder why he is so popular with them!).
welcome to motherhood! btw that is a girl baby.....but whatever variety it is so fortunate that God chose you to be it's parents....Blessings,
Hey Sherry,
thanks again for the comments and sites to check out. This may either confuse you or help you, but my friend just passed on this site and it covers the bill you were talking about. Hope you're feeling great, miss ya!
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