Even my computer got "Nested", go Packers...err TN! (T1 and buddy)
closet. Boy did that feel good to be able to walk into it again. Yesterday the area under my desk (which is really our old kitchen table) got cleaned out, filed and organized. Then I still wasn't satisfied so I took on the biggest project of all, the big storage closet in our bathroom. It is no ordinary bathroom closet, but the size or a double bedroom closet with just four huge shelves thrown in for everything to get lost and jumbled on.
Moving on to the point of all this...as I sorted, tossed and organized I came across some fun items from the past, each bringing back emotional memories. Under my desk in the file box I found a sign that reads "The ____ vs The Squirrels". This is from our first apartment together. It was a quaint (e.g. old) little brick building on M. street (I think) and we lived on the second floor. Above us was a storage attic (which was well used because the rooms were as small as they were "quaint"). Well, for awhile some local squirrels took up residence in the attic and we would lay in bed at night listening to them thumping around, rolling glass jars and jumping from what must have been great heights, above our heads. Our landlord decided that instead of coming out and fixing whatever hole they had made into a door, he would give us $10 off our rent for ea
ch squirrel we removed (with a live trap, don't worry, no squirrels were seriously harmed, sometimes forgotten for awhile in the trunk, but no worse for the wear). We had to catch them, drive them at least 7 miles away and release them. So I started a chart on our fridge to record how many we caught and drew a little squirrel with a red circle and line through it for every one that we captured. I think after we saved $100 off one month our landlord finally decided to fix the hole. :)
Another item I came across a few weeks ago was my beloved sticker album. How many of you ladies had one of these growing up? It had puffy stickers, sparkley stickers, scratch and sniff stickers, all of which were carefully placed in an album and ooohed and awwed over by other girlfriends with sticker albums while I ooohed and awwed over theirs. Some were traded, and the favorites were guarded. So hubby finds this album and looks at me really confused when I refuse to throw it away. You don't see me asking him to throw away his stamp collection, (sell them on ebay so I can get new furniture, yes, but throw them away? no!), but he just doesn't get my attachment. I think you just have to be a girl to get this one.
On the subject of stickers, in the gigantic bathroom closet I found a little orange cardboard box with a roll of shiny silver stickers with my name printed on them. I've had these suckers forever but can't seem to throw them away. Perhaps because of the memory I have associated with them. I remember being pretty young, not too young, but young compared to my ripe old age of 33 and my mom was leaving on a business trip or something (a rare occurence for me). I was pretty sad that she was leaving so as she packed she let me put some of my "Sherry" stickers on her red luggage. Why do I remember this? I have no idea. Why do I still have these stickers? Because I remember this I guess and can't throw them out. I know, I need help.
Maybe this is bringing back some memories for you too. If not your treasured sticker album, there is some other treasure tucked away from your childhood that you can't part with. I'd love to hear about it. In fact it would help me feel better about my strange attachment to these silly items.
One last item...under my bathroom sink (yes this cabinet didn't escape my nesting need) I found my Caboodle. You know, a caboodle! My dear friends C. and A. gave it to me in H.S. as a not so subtle hint that I needed to get my stuff organized. I still have it! And I think I'm making up for the lack of organization. Yes, I probably still hold onto more stuff than I should, but at least it is neatly stored away now!
Hi Sherry,
I have a sticker album still, and a special scrapbook page with some of my favorite stickers. I don't have my special Michael Jackson thriller stickers anymore. Those I got at the roller-skating rink!
:-) Sara
hum.....I can't think of anything that i have stuck away....although I think you might be able to find something. So, I would like to issue you a formal invitation to come to my house and let your nesting continue. I think this is pretty nice of me, giving you this opportunity to continue nesting even though your spaces are all clean and organized. let me know when you want to come! :)
Oh Sherry I had a sticker album too. I think it's at my mom's house still. I'll have to find it and we can share our memories!
Sticker album! Daniel recently found mine and has been playing with some of the stickers. This is hard for me, but I decided his current enjoyment from those stickers exceedes my emotional attachment to them. I'm a recovering hoarder, so this is a big step for me!
I never had a caboodle (did I spell that right?) but I used a fishing tackle box instead. I was frugal even then. I think I released my tackle box in a purge just last Fall.
My brain is in nesting mode, but my energy level just isn't cooperating. Instead I'm doing a ton of crocheting, because I can do that while sitting on the couch.
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