L. (and all the EDGERs and students) that love on our kids.

Tailgating with students before a game (fun to see them and I don't have to cook!).

Thing 1's continued love for any sport (it is fun to see his interests develop).

Cute soccer outfits that Auntie C. sends us from Brazil.

Our annual Mug and Muffin with Nav Gals.

My boys just being boys, esp. when they don't know I'm looking.

Thing 2 in the "Gone Fishin" overalls my mom embroidered.

Thing 2 being gross licking the patio door...yes that is snot coming out his nose but I had to take the picture before he stopped. This doesn't really bless me but I had to put it in.

T 2 checking to see if his tummy is getting bigger like mommy's.

Goof! Now we know where Tiney Hiney gets it from.

Reason # 1027 why I love my husband: he patiently weeds the yard b/c I don't want pesticides on the grass while I'm pregnant and we have kids playing on it.

J. loving on our kids.

One last perfect summer day when we can all be together.


Reason #189 why I love my husband: he made this shelf for my birthday.

Reason #2675 why I love my husband: he is so good at loving me. He painted our room red last winter as a surprise for me while I was away (and he was home with two boys). And he lets me buy a new bedspread and curtains to go with the new decor (as long as I am willing to wait awhile till we have the funds).

The Boys bonding with Grandpa during a recent visit.

Tons of new students interested in growing in Christ (one of our first Nav Nites was standing room only).

Eating...err, picking raspberries with my family.
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