Monday, September 22, 2008

Things That Bless Me

L. (and all the EDGERs and students) that love on our kids.

Tailgating with students before a game (fun to see them and I don't have to cook!).

Thing 1's continued love for any sport (it is fun to see his interests develop).

Cute soccer outfits that Auntie C. sends us from Brazil.

Our annual Mug and Muffin with Nav Gals.

My boys just being boys, esp. when they don't know I'm looking.

Thing 2 in the "Gone Fishin" overalls my mom embroidered.

Thing 2 being gross licking the patio door...yes that is snot coming out his nose but I had to take the picture before he stopped. This doesn't really bless me but I had to put it in.

T 2 checking to see if his tummy is getting bigger like mommy's.

Goof! Now we know where Tiney Hiney gets it from.

Reason # 1027 why I love my husband: he patiently weeds the yard b/c I don't want pesticides on the grass while I'm pregnant and we have kids playing on it.

J. loving on our kids.

One last perfect summer day when we can all be together.


Reason #189 why I love my husband: he made this shelf for my birthday.

Reason #2675 why I love my husband: he is so good at loving me. He painted our room red last winter as a surprise for me while I was away (and he was home with two boys). And he lets me buy a new bedspread and curtains to go with the new decor (as long as I am willing to wait awhile till we have the funds).

The Boys bonding with Grandpa during a recent visit.

Tons of new students interested in growing in Christ (one of our first Nav Nites was standing room only).

Eating...err, picking raspberries with my family.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nesting, Memory Lane and Misc. Musings

Okay, so if the title includes "Misc. Musings" you should know this is a long one. So go warm up your coffee and come back when you are in a musing mood. :) See you soon (I hope).

Even my computer got "Nested", go Packers...err TN! (T1 and buddy)

So I know from previous experience that a normal stage of pregnancy is "nesting". And I remember "nesting" quite a bit towards the end of my previous pregnancies. But this time it has kicked in high gear early and in the short month that we have been home I've pretty much reorganized our whole house. A couple nights ago while hubby was out and I let the boys stay up too late watching some mindless video, I tackled the coat/game/video/all the other crap (sorry, bad word) we have no other place to put
closet. Boy did that feel good to be able to walk into it again. Yesterday the area under my desk (which is really our old kitchen table) got cleaned out, filed and organized. Then I still wasn't satisfied so I took on the biggest project of all, the big storage closet in our bathroom. It is no ordinary bathroom closet, but the size or a double bedroom closet with just four huge shelves thrown in for everything to get lost and jumbled on.

Moving on to the point of all I sorted, tossed and organized I came across some fun items from the past, each bringing back emotional memories. Under my desk in the file box I found a sign that reads "The ____ vs The Squirrels". This is from our first apartment together. It was a quaint (e.g. old) little brick building on M. street (I think) and we lived on the second floor. Above us was a storage attic (which was well used because the rooms were as small as they were "quaint"). Well, for awhile some local squirrels took up residence in the attic and we would lay in bed at night listening to them thumping around, rolling glass jars and jumping from what must have been great heights, above our heads. Our landlord decided that instead of coming out and fixing whatever hole they had made into a door, he would give us $10 off our rent for each squirrel we removed (with a live trap, don't worry, no squirrels were seriously harmed, sometimes forgotten for awhile in the trunk, but no worse for the wear). We had to catch them, drive them at least 7 miles away and release them. So I started a chart on our fridge to record how many we caught and drew a little squirrel with a red circle and line through it for every one that we captured. I think after we saved $100 off one month our landlord finally decided to fix the hole. :)

Another item I came across a few weeks ago was my beloved sticker album. How many of you ladies had one of these growing up? It had puffy stickers, sparkley stickers, scratch and sniff stickers, all of which were carefully placed in an album and ooohed and awwed over by other girlfriends with sticker albums while I ooohed and awwed over theirs. Some were traded, and the favorites were guarded. So hubby finds this album and looks at me really confused when I refuse to throw it away. You don't see me asking him to throw away his stamp collection, (sell them on ebay so I can get new furniture, yes, but throw them away? no!), but he just doesn't get my attachment. I think you just have to be a girl to get this one.

On the subject of stickers, in the gigantic bathroom closet I found a little orange cardboard box with a roll of shiny silver stickers with my name printed on them. I've had these suckers forever but can't seem to throw them away. Perhaps because of the memory I have associated with them. I remember being pretty young, not too young, but young compared to my ripe old age of 33 and my mom was leaving on a business trip or something (a rare occurence for me). I was pretty sad that she was leaving so as she packed she let me put some of my "Sherry" stickers on her red luggage. Why do I remember this? I have no idea. Why do I still have these stickers? Because I remember this I guess and can't throw them out. I know, I need help.

Another old photo I found of T 1 and Grandpa. He was sooo chubby (T 1, not Grandpa! :) )

Maybe this is bringing back some memories for you too. If not your treasured sticker album, there is some other treasure tucked away from your childhood that you can't part with. I'd love to hear about it. In fact it would help me feel better about my strange attachment to these silly items.

One last item...under my bathroom sink (yes this cabinet didn't escape my nesting need) I found my Caboodle. You know, a caboodle! My dear friends C. and A. gave it to me in H.S. as a not so subtle hint that I needed to get my stuff organized. I still have it! And I think I'm making up for the lack of organization. Yes, I probably still hold onto more stuff than I should, but at least it is neatly stored away now!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Introducing My New Nephew

My brother and sister in law have welcomed a new baby into their world. We couldn't be more excited! Here is the new cutest nephew in the whole wide world! 7lbs, 12 ounces and a whopping 20 1/2 inches long! Of course my brother would have to one up me, T 2 was 8 lbs, but only 20 inches! :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Some Pics

Mt. "Mushmore" as T 1 called it.
We took a family vacation in the Black
Hills in early May. This was on our
way to CO for some training which
was on our way to MO. What can I say,
we buy our maps at the dollar store.

Whenever I needed 10 minutes of sanity I'd send the boys outside our room with some popsicles, they always thought this was a great idea.

This was our family, kitchen, living room in Branson. Anytime is a good time to wear your new swim goggles when you are 2 and 4.

All Nav staff from different states who helped run the program this summer.

T 1 living large in one of the 3 pools at our hotel. I wasn't too concerned about him drowning or anything. :)

Every Tuesday was a Program Day where we would spend the day all together (dozen or so Nav staff and over 60 students. Some days were just for fun to blow off steam and others were days that we did a service project together. This particular day was one where we took a cruise on the lake.

Hubby hangin tough with the students.

T 2 is ready to hit the pool....anytime, day or night!

T 2 playing with M. who lived next door. M. and I met one-on-one this summer and we all miss her and her husband J. a whole lot!

T 1 and J.. Hubby got to meet with J. one-on-one and a few other men as well this summer.

C. and S. are on staff in Texas and they directed this whole crazy circus. Yeah for them!

We ended up leaving the program a week early to attend a funeral of a dear friend. That allowed us some quick and unplanned visits in WI. Here is us stopping by for literally 5 minutes at our good friend S.'s I couldn't leave without seeing her baby that is soooo big already!

Of course we had to fit in a lunch with T 1' s best friend in the whole world. T 1 continues to talk about him even after being apart for two years. The moms had a great time too of course!

I don't think I got a single pic of the two of them both smiling and looking at the camera. Is this a kid conspiracy thing or what? This happens a lot in my house.

After all that traveling I was pooped out! T 2and I decided to take a nap and T 1 apparently decided to join in at some point (probably when the camera appeared).

After returning home we got to celebrate L's bday. She is one day older and several years younger than me. L. is joining our staff team this year as she is on EDGE. Yeah L.!

Last weekend we had all the student leaders (20 or so) and staff meet at our house to depart to a retreat center for a planning and bonding weekend. I was amazed at how many cars fit in our driveway. I think we had at least nine plus a couple in the garage. It took me back to the days of Badger games in Madtown, except we didn't charge $5 a piece to park on our prime real estate.

Students getting ready to head out for the weekend.

Working on their testimonies.

E. (also on EDGE this year, yeah E.) and J. practicing the Bridge Illustration.

N. and A. during our planning weekend. Somehow I didn't get a pic of J. our fourth and final EDGEr. I'll have to put one in the next post.
So now you have met some of the student leaders and most of the staff. Yeah for leaders and staff! They make this all possible. WE had a TON of new people show up for our welcome week events and over 100 at our first Nav Nite on WEd. We had to bring in extra chairs to give everyone a seat. Amazing! A big thank you to all who pray and support our ministry work. We couldn't do it without you!

On Monday we celebrated N's bday and I've since then eaten way too much of that cake.

T 2 brushing his hair.

T 2 on "his first day of school" (I had to humor him).


Well, I know I promised some ministry pics in my next post, and I'll be getting to that soon, I promise. But since it is my blog I feel the freedom to change my mind and topic whenever the whim or major life change hits. Besides the whirlwind change that welcome week brings to the harmony of our household, we added a few other whack-my-planet out-of-allignment changes. One of the major ones was the first day of preschool for T 1. Now I know, I know. Preschool is nothing to you moms out there that are sending off your firstborns to real school like Kindergarten...or day I shudder, college! But this is the first of those many steps to come and I will probably whine, complain, rejoice and cry over each and every one of them. So without further adu, and to save myself some is the entry I wrote in a journal I've been keeping for T 1 since he was born....wasn't that just yesterday?

September 5th, 2008

My big boy goes to school. Today was your second day of many days of school to come. Your first day you were too excited about the magnetic trains that you didn’t even say goodbye. Today, Daddy took you and as I hugged you goodbye it was hard not to cry. My heart was sad all morning as I plugged around the house getting chores done with the “help” of your two-year-old brother, T 2 (a secondary reason for “plugging”). T 2 was none too happy about not starting preschool right along with you, but I was glad for his (and your baby ?s) company to comfort me.

It is hard to be too sad about this milestone that we have leapt over when you are so excited about being on the other side. You love school. In fact when we went to the Open House the night before classes you cried because you didn’t want to leave. Other kids might cry at being left, but not my son. I remember giving my mom fits for weeks (or so I’m told) until she removed me from my first preschool and enrolled me in one closer to her work. You must take after your dad in yet another way when it comes to your enthusiasm to take on the educational establishment and whatever else the play room….err world, has to offer.

Speaking of play rooms, this is your favorite room and it is quickly becoming mine. When I told you to hurry up and get dressed or you would miss out on time in the play room (where you spend your first half hour of the day) you got dressed faster than I’ve ever seen before. Amazing what a little motivation can do!

Well, son, Dad and I are thrilled that you are enjoying preschool so much. We are even more thrilled that you come home and tell us that your learned about Jesus. We are praying for you to grow in every way, physically, emotionally, socially and most importantly, spiritually this year. If I didn’t think that attending preschool couldn’t help you do some of these things better than I, there is no way you would be attending preschool until maybe your turned eighteen or so. But alas, your Dad and you tell me you are ready.

I’m hoping our next goodbye gets a little easier….but never too easy.

I love you son and we are sooooooo proud of you!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Third-Rate Citizen

For several years I've been adjusting to my role in this house as a second-rate citizen. After reading Dobson's book, "Brining Up Boys", I bravely embraced my sons' preference for their father above me from the time they were weaned. In fact, I encouraged this bonding to ensure a strong male-role model in their lives and hopefully a long lasting best-friend relationship with their Dad. I'd like to think Dr. Dobson would give me a nod for this couragous attitude.

But I wasn't prepared to be demoted even lower on the totem pole to third-rate citizen in my house (nor was hubby for that matter, who now holds my former post as second in line). This was an after effect (affect? help me out English majors) of inviting, N., one of our four EDGErs to live with us. We are very excited to have hims as a part of are family; but nobody is more excited about this new arrangement than T 1 and T 2.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Where's N?" I'd be a wealthy woman living in the Bahamas. The boys absolutely love playing with him and it isn't hard to see why. N. is a fun, get down on the floor, teach them cool new games (like freeze tag) and laugh at their silly jokes kind of guy. He has quickly become the funnest person in the house. Not to mention he brings great strengths to our staff team that will be invaluable in the year to come. Dare we hope years to come? :)

I don't want to sound at all like I'm upset with my new status in the house. In fact with the persistent fatigue of pregnancy I'm actually elated to have more help with the boys. And N. has a free pass to escape downstairs whenever he needs to get away. Which leaves me wondering where I can get one of those? I guess I don't get one. And I guess I'm okay with that too. Because even though I'm third in line, I will never lose my status as Mom. And that is one of the best role I've had the privaledge of playing yet.
(Above is a photo of N. and the boys filling up water balloons, no need to wonder why he is so popular with them!).