Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Day of Home School

Well, technically today was our second day, but since all we did yesterday was Bible and library I'm not counting that as a full day.  All in all I'm not ready to re-enroll them in public school yet, so I'd say so-far-so-good.  I'm taking this experiment one day at a time though. 
I admit I lay in bed this morning not wanting to get up and face the day - maybe it was because hubby is out of town - maybe it was the fear of our first "full" day of home school.  Either way, I got up, got a cup of coffee, some encouragement from Upstairs and got over my lazy mood.  After that and a second cup of coffee things went pretty well  (have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE our new Keurig? Seriously, how did I ever parent before this wonderful machine entered my life?!).  And the beautiful weather (if you consider sunny skies, no snow and upper 30s beautiful) made recess a lot more fun!

Here are a few pics of our first day:

Camo Verse Packs makes scripture memory fun!                                    Thing 3 needs to learn to read first though, maybe we will save that for tomorrow!
Sorting out all the critters in our house into animal groups.                             This took longer than I expected, they have A LOT of stuffed animals!

My favorite part of home schooling - reading books on the couch with my Things  (Hubby took this pic a couple days ago so it wasn't tech. "school" but I'm finding real life and home school are pretty interchangeable!).


jchaas said...

cool Sherry! we are doing a homeschool group one day a week with some other Mommies and we have tons of fun! liked your animal sorting idea :) blessing for this new year

susie said...

Whoa! This is new....or I'm behind? I request a post about the new know, to catch me up :)

KarenV said...

You go get em Sherry! we have those same sock snowman that you have on your table. The heads are tipping over though. :)