This morning I could just feel it, I needed some good time with a friend. It didn't have to last for hours, just a last minute coffee date would do. Too many days in a row of my normal chores at home had left me lacking luster for another day with my precocious toddler. Luckily another friend had the same need and also a willing husband to take his lunch hour at home with a napping toddler.
As I returned home I felt grateful for that hour. Friendship feeds my heart, refreshes my soul and helps me remember there really is a grown-up behind those mounds of laundry, board books and Elmo videos. Don't get me wrong – I LOVE LOVE LOVE that I get to be home with my kids. I wouldn't change a thing. But I know that in order to do all of that well, I need my girlfriend time too.
It is all too easy to not send that last minute text or reach out to a friend with a quick phone call. I can easily talk myself out of it some days with my looming to-do list nagging my conscience. But on the days that I go ahead and make that call – even if it is only a few times a month- I'm always glad that I did.
So today I just want to give a shout out to my girlfriends – Thank YOU! We may grow up- but we never outgrow our need for each other. Thank you, friends, for sharing your lives, love and laughter – it truly feeds my soul and is a gift from above.
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