You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Right Now
Hubby is making a whole lotta ribs for the Viking (not football) Dinner here tomorrow night. I was relieved to hear they will be eating outside since no plates or silverware are allowed.
I'm catching up on my friend's blogs - it is fun to know what is going on in their lives. You should write one too so I can read it!
T123 are all asleep. Blissful quiet. T1 is getting really good at being a lefty and developing some good self-esteem overcoming new challenges. T2 is thriving at preschool - at least I assume so since he can't wait to go every week and I haven't gotten any notes sent home yet. Well, I got one, but was relieved when it was because someone else bit HIM. Ironic...yes, I know. Knowing his history...if I believed in karma, I'd say "what goes around comes around," but I don't so I won't say it. T3 had a pretty rough afternoon. We spent two hours at the doctors office after he spiked a 104 fever. We left after lab work, two shots of antibiotics and a prescription for even more. Poor kid. I'm thankful for modern medicine and will wait as long as needed for it any day (esp. when my other kids are happily occupied elsewhere...once again, hubby is my hero!).
Monday, September 20, 2010
Quick Update
(Here is a recent photo in our Sunflower patch...formerly known as our garden)
I'm so grateful for all the prayers and support we have received regarding T1's broken arm. Thanks for caring and thinking of us. I wanted to give you a quick update since so many have been asking. We went back to the doctor today and had it re-x-rayed and everything looked good. It is healing well and so we don't need to have surgery (as long as things cont. this way). He will have it splinted and in a sling for two more weeks and then we can move to a different kind of brace. In the meantime he is working hard in his "right mind" learning to be a lefty!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Joy - Not Just my Dish Soap Anymore

You know when you hear the same message or scripture a few times in a row that God is trying to get your attention. That happened this past week...not so coincidentally aligning with several little challenges that have come our way. Most of these aren't big things but you know those weeks when all the many little things start to add up. Yet in the midst of it all I kept running into the message of the resurrection and our source for joy. I literally heard three different messages and read it in my regular daily reading all in a matter of days. God, graciously reminding me that despite the little and big hard things we face, I can choose joy. Why? Because I know how the story ends, the victory is already won. I admit some days it is a physical struggle to choose joy over focusing on the whiny teething toddler wrapped around my knees, the attention deprived middle child jumping on the couch AGAIN, and the oldest who can't understand why I won't let him go down the slide backwards at school with a broken arm. And knowing some of the enormous struggles others face these all seem tiny and I feel like a big whiner for even struggling. BUT God is gracious. And in all these little reminders I sense His love and care and am reminded of one of my favorite verses, Isa 40:11 He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young." I'm feeling gently led to choose Joy and make it more than just my dish soap today and every day.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Feelin Kinda...not so SNAZZY
We were all having a great time and in the words of Go Fish "feelin kinda snazzy" and then...with two hot dogs in my hand I heard T1 screaming across the lawn in the inflatable bouncy thing. I scooped him up as he was screaming that his arm hurt. In hindsight had I known I was going to have to recount all the junkfood I allowed him to consume to go down on his medical record I think I would have at least fed him a banana or something in there...not one of my shining mommy moments. But oh well! Sooo instead of rockin the night away we ended it like this:
He ended up with some dislocation in his elbow I think and two breaks right above the elbow. Lots of drugs, some gruesome doctoring to get things back in place and way too much pain for my little guy (before the drugs) and we were on our way home.
Thankfully some great friends were on hand to keep T2 with them at the concert and they thoughtfully bought him his own glow stick, cd and dvd which he enjoyed when he got home.
And when you are down and out you might as well have a neb treatment or two for that darn asthma. Poor guys...some days are just like this. Thankfully most of them aren't.
We are praying that all stays in place the way it should so we don't have to do the surgery thing. Thanks for praying with us. And while you are praying here are some praises: We are thankful for good medical care, drugs, friends in place to take care of the other Things, the 30+ college friends who were at our house for a meeting when we got home that were praying for him, our staff team that stepped in place to lead the meeting at the last minute...the list goes on and on.
As I look at that list I'm reminded once again that God never fails to meet our every need in times of need - despite our distance from family that we would normally rely on in times like these. He is good and faithful.
My little faith is trying to shrug off feelings of guilt that if I had been praying more for my kids protection this wouldn't have happened...I know, crazy thoughts, but there they are. Thankfully with a curious, climbing toddler, an active 4 year old and an injured six year old trying to figure out life without his dominant hand, there isn't much time for thoughts like those anyways...just quick prayers for more hands and lots of patience!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Almost 13th Disciple
Mark 10 describes what we commonly refer to the rich young ruler. You know, the guy whom Jesus invited to come follow Him, or as the amplified says, "walk the road that I walk." But as the story goes this man loved his life as it was too much – he was very wealthy and didn't want to give up all he had to be with Jesus. This begs the question in my own heart, what is it that I love too much that keeps me from walking the same road that Jesus is walking? Is it the comfort of having similar friends, all with the same interests and political points of view that keeps me from walking across the room with Jesus to the woman who very different than me and extending a hand of friendship? Or do I love my "downtime" too much – those few precious hours when the boys are all in bed – that I don't want to put down my novel and read something a bit more mind shaping?
Don't get me wrong, we all need our downtime, but do I want to it too much to heed Him when He does call? And there is nothing wrong with nurturing friendships with women that are like me….but do I do it to the exclusion of the woman that Jesus really wants me to get to know and love on? This man loved all he had…just a bit too much. It literally kept him from walking where Jesus walked.
Change my heart, Abba, so I don't miss the chance to walk with You wherever you are going.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Too cool for school...and back to it!
Hubby calls this his Chief Shakazooloo outfit.
For a kid who won't keep a hat on for me - he seems to have found a compromise. Good thing the helmet came with a built in pacifier window.
Of course they each wanted a picture of their new backpacks which took up 3/4s of their bodies.
Thing 2 - the big day finally came and he was the very first into the door at preschool...as he zoomed past the director said, this must be "Thing2". Hmmm, now how did she know?
Thing 1 on his first day of K. He loves it and hasn't looked back...to see me sniffling behind him. sigh...