One of our super talented students did the above image just for fun...where was she when we were scratching our heads over a t-shirt in our staff meeting??? This is great!
Is it still "spring" break when there are several feet of snow outside? Is it still a "break" when you are going to serve? Or left to fend for yourself with 3 little men? Yes - to all the above...I think (I'll tell you my opinion on the last category in a few days...).
Hubby just left this morning with 31 other students and staff for the windy city of Chicago. This is the second year our group has headed there to serve in homeless shelters. This year they are helping out for three days with a Christian run shelter called Cornerstone. But it isn't all work and no play - they will spend a day sightseeing as well and I'm sure squeeze in a lot of fun and games.
And before you start feeling sorry for me (though I never turn down sympathy - esp. in the forms of chocolate and coffee) I'm especially thankful that my mom flew in yesterday to help me man the troops while hubby is away.
So please pray for our students to be impacted and also have a huge impact as they serve. Pray for a spirit of unity on our team and all the fun bonding that tends to happen and knit hearts together on these adventures. And pray for an extra measure and a half of patience for me - all the boys sleeping through the night would really help this (lately T-1 has been up with asthma and T-3 with his first tooth). Thanks so much!!!
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