Thing 3s favorite "toys" are my kitchen cabinets, the toilet (lid down thank you) and the trashcan in the bathroom with the spinny lid. I'm seriously thinking about installing cabinets in his room and getting him a trashcan for his 1st bday next month.
As soon as the first snowflake began to melt I started asking...okay nagging...hubby to set up the trampoline we got on Black Friday. It has been a long hard wait for me. but the day finally arrived this past week. And none too soon! I was the first to jump to which hubby questioned who we really got the tramp for. Me! Of course! I NEEDED it...not to jump on per say, though I enjoy that...I think 3 boys in any house constitutes a trampoline.
Sounds of spring - hubby happily working away in his "refuge"...aka...his garage/ woodworking shop thing. Whatever. I'm guessing my refuge is when the trampoline is in use and I'm still inside.
Sights of spring - my tulips are popping up1 Yippee! One of my favorite things!
I am so grateful for my mom! There is NO WAY I would have survived Chicago week if she hadn't been here to help me! I miss her already and am counting down the weeks till we will be together again. Thanks again, Mom, for spoiling us so much.
T1 has met his match and this is a photo of him showing her the ring! I grabbed my camera thinking I was witnessing the proposal but alas he didn't seal the deal. He just said, "this is the ring I will give you when I grow up." and then kept the ring. She has awhile to wait but I like his taste! T2 has his bride picked out too - again she is a bit older than he - but I'm all for older marrying younger, after all I'm three years older than hubby! She too is an excellent choice! But no ring pictures yet, T2 has currently misplaced the ring he intended to give her - guess we have to go back to the red vending machines at Wal Mart for another one!
T1 - had a sesame street moment and got creative with his wooden blocks. I thought it was pretty cute.
Isn't March funny - you start off like this and end up with Tulips. Hubby built this fort with the boys one day - okay - they watched and he built.
Did T1 really spell out those letters with his blocks on his own or did he have help?
Yes - he did actually. I handed him a few blocks and made a couple suggestions but he had already made quite a few all on his own before I even realized what he was doing.
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