Hey there,
Tonight we are having a very special Nav Nite. In preparation and celebration of Easter we are devoting the night to praise, prayer and worship. In addition some of our student leaders and staff will be doing cardboard testimonies. It looks so cool - check out this video of a church doing them to see what I mean (or go to you tube and type in "cardboard testimonies").
Please pray for every one's hearts to be touched and better prepared to celebrate Easter through our time together tonight.

You are Boy-Trapped if: You have little plastic army guys guarding your fireplace. Your decorative pillows are more often part of a fort than ambiance. There is always a little boy voice on the other side of the bathroom door. Every time you settle down to read your Bible there is a boy in your lap. Every surface in your house is covered in lego fortresses...and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
March Madness - not the basketball kind!
Last week in the middle of March birthday madness (we have a family birthday every day from the 23rd to the 27th, plus a few others earlier in the month) T2 turned 4! I have mixed emotions watching him turn from toddler (long ago already) to full on little boy. He recently transitioned from the resident "Army Guy" (a position he held for quite awhile - 2 years maybe- with his love for everything camo and army) to the resident Knight. I'm not sure what made the switch but he happily runs around the house in his knight armor - when he isn't wearing his Buzz Lightyear pj's that is. Here are a few snapshots of our week of celebrating - which included a very fun visit from some of our WI clan.

We have been thoroughly enjoying the wonderful spring temps here with long bike-rides and lots of time outside. Hope you are too!
We have been thoroughly enjoying the wonderful spring temps here with long bike-rides and lots of time outside. Hope you are too!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sights and Sounds of Spring
Thing 3s favorite "toys" are my kitchen cabinets, the toilet (lid down thank you) and the trashcan in the bathroom with the spinny lid. I'm seriously thinking about installing cabinets in his room and getting him a trashcan for his 1st bday next month.
As soon as the first snowflake began to melt I started asking...okay nagging...hubby to set up the trampoline we got on Black Friday. It has been a long hard wait for me. but the day finally arrived this past week. And none too soon! I was the first to jump to which hubby questioned who we really got the tramp for. Me! Of course! I NEEDED it...not to jump on per say, though I enjoy that...I think 3 boys in any house constitutes a trampoline.
Sounds of spring - hubby happily working away in his "refuge"...aka...his garage/ woodworking shop thing. Whatever. I'm guessing my refuge is when the trampoline is in use and I'm still inside.
Sights of spring - my tulips are popping up1 Yippee! One of my favorite things!
I am so grateful for my mom! There is NO WAY I would have survived Chicago week if she hadn't been here to help me! I miss her already and am counting down the weeks till we will be together again. Thanks again, Mom, for spoiling us so much.
T1 has met his match and this is a photo of him showing her the ring! I grabbed my camera thinking I was witnessing the proposal but alas he didn't seal the deal. He just said, "this is the ring I will give you when I grow up." and then kept the ring. She has awhile to wait but I like his taste! T2 has his bride picked out too - again she is a bit older than he - but I'm all for older marrying younger, after all I'm three years older than hubby! She too is an excellent choice! But no ring pictures yet, T2 has currently misplaced the ring he intended to give her - guess we have to go back to the red vending machines at Wal Mart for another one!
T1 - had a sesame street moment and got creative with his wooden blocks. I thought it was pretty cute.
Isn't March funny - you start off like this and end up with Tulips. Hubby built this fort with the boys one day - okay - they watched and he built.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Chicago - How did it go?
I got this email last week from my co-laborer and friend Emilie. Since I wasn't in Chicago she can better sum up the week than I! Thanks Em, for letting me share this.
Last week at our large group gathering, NavNite, in 'the Rotunda' on campus, students had the chance to share at the microphone what God taught them over spring break or is teaching them now in life. One girl stood up and said, "I learned so much in Chicago, I could keep you here all night..." I like this. It sums up what a lot of us 30 participants left Chicago feeling...
Some Windy City snapshots:
making an assembly line up 5 flights of stairs to throw hundreds of garbage bags of donated clothing to their desired destination.
listening to Joseph, a resident at the shelter, preach his heart for God and for us on Thursday afternoon.
scrubbing walls, building bunk beds, & removing bed-bug-infested mattresses in the part of the shelter where families stay.
studying what the Bible has to say about the dignity & worth of every individual, justice, and poverty.
worshipping & praying in the sanctuary of the church we stayed at.
watching God grow servant hearts and visions of all that's in the world.
sharing Jesus with a few diverse people on the "L" and public buses.
learning what community in the body is all about - how wonderful and healthy it can be.
humbled by so many lessons.
Your prayers were answered - thank you, thank you, thank you. How powerful and invaluable.
Not quite sure what The Navigators are all about? Here's a YouTube video for the work of The Navs in 2009. I'm honored to be a small chunk of what's going on. PLEASE check it out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_KbuVQsAu8
Last week at our large group gathering, NavNite, in 'the Rotunda' on campus, students had the chance to share at the microphone what God taught them over spring break or is teaching them now in life. One girl stood up and said, "I learned so much in Chicago, I could keep you here all night..." I like this. It sums up what a lot of us 30 participants left Chicago feeling...
Some Windy City snapshots:
making an assembly line up 5 flights of stairs to throw hundreds of garbage bags of donated clothing to their desired destination.
listening to Joseph, a resident at the shelter, preach his heart for God and for us on Thursday afternoon.
scrubbing walls, building bunk beds, & removing bed-bug-infested mattresses in the part of the shelter where families stay.
studying what the Bible has to say about the dignity & worth of every individual, justice, and poverty.
worshipping & praying in the sanctuary of the church we stayed at.
watching God grow servant hearts and visions of all that's in the world.
sharing Jesus with a few diverse people on the "L" and public buses.
learning what community in the body is all about - how wonderful and healthy it can be.
humbled by so many lessons.
Your prayers were answered - thank you, thank you, thank you. How powerful and invaluable.
Not quite sure what The Navigators are all about? Here's a YouTube video for the work of The Navs in 2009. I'm honored to be a small chunk of what's going on. PLEASE check it out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_KbuVQsAu8
Saturday, March 6, 2010
"Spring" "Break"

One of our super talented students did the above image just for fun...where was she when we were scratching our heads over a t-shirt in our staff meeting??? This is great!
Is it still "spring" break when there are several feet of snow outside? Is it still a "break" when you are going to serve? Or left to fend for yourself with 3 little men? Yes - to all the above...I think (I'll tell you my opinion on the last category in a few days...).
Hubby just left this morning with 31 other students and staff for the windy city of Chicago. This is the second year our group has headed there to serve in homeless shelters. This year they are helping out for three days with a Christian run shelter called Cornerstone. But it isn't all work and no play - they will spend a day sightseeing as well and I'm sure squeeze in a lot of fun and games.
And before you start feeling sorry for me (though I never turn down sympathy - esp. in the forms of chocolate and coffee) I'm especially thankful that my mom flew in yesterday to help me man the troops while hubby is away.
So please pray for our students to be impacted and also have a huge impact as they serve. Pray for a spirit of unity on our team and all the fun bonding that tends to happen and knit hearts together on these adventures. And pray for an extra measure and a half of patience for me - all the boys sleeping through the night would really help this (lately T-1 has been up with asthma and T-3 with his first tooth). Thanks so much!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
15 seconds of fame...well "fame" might be a bit of an overstatement. :)
Last week I got a fun email in my inbox informing me that an article I wrote for another ministry was posted on their website. Check it out here and be sure to browse around their sight as well if you have any young ladies in your life or ministry!
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