Today Thing 1 prayed at lunch, "Dear God, thank you for this beautiful weather, thank you that my big poop came out, and thank you for our new pool."
We have an new member of the family - his name is "Piggy". T1 named him because he says he "looks like a pig". In all actuality he is a toad. We just happened to have an aquariam leftover from goldfish long departed months back. So I decided since they had been asking for more fish I'd take the easy way out and let them keep the toad they caught in our backyard. He now lives happily in the mud room with pea rocks, a log to sleep in and more crickets than he can shake his little amphibian legs at. I'm currently perfecting the art of stunning a fly without killing it. Apparantly toads only like live food.
The other day I laundered the shower curtain, captured an escapee grasshopper and returned him to his doom, located 34 library books due TODAY, discovered at library that T3 had pooped ALL OVER, happily found 4 wipes with non-pooped-on-hand, put poopy baby back into carseat and proceeded inside, found 3 books on toads, removed drowning fly from coffee and sent him to his doom. My life is a glamorous novel just waiting to be written.
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