Monday, August 11, 2008

No Foolin'

So the big news around here is that we are having another baby! The due date is April 1st, no foolin'! No one will believe us if it does happen to come on April Fools and we tell them it is a girl. I'm convinced that there is a 90% chance it is a boy and am already praying verses about God's grace being sufficient...or at least I should be. :)

Funny things T 1 asks about the baby:
1) Where is the baby in your tummy, up here (pointing to the top of his tummy) or down here (pointing to the bottom)?
2) Is that baby eating that banana that you are eating?
3) Will the baby spit the banana our if it doesn't like it?
4) Will we have to feed the baby when it comes out?
5) What kind of baby food will we feed it? Like soup?
6) Do your bones hurt the baby?

And yes the one dreaded question...asked loudly in a public restroom no doubt...

7) Where is the baby going to come out?

Oh the curiosity of a 4-year-old! So my lesson learned from this is that you shouldn't inform your 4-yr-old of your pregnancy until a) you are ready to answer a whole lot of questions about it and b) until you are ready for him to inform others with or without you!


Heather said...
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Jess said...

So cute!!! :) Welcome to the bloggy world.

Rose said...

Hilarious. I love reading your writing...

I can't believe you are blogging although I am thrilled I get to read it.

Jon said...

Well Sherry, My kids "question" was, "Mommy, I know how I got out of your tummy, but how did I get in??" Hmmmm I think Jenna too was about 4! Congrats!

Jon said...

OK, really Jon is Tam - You get the idea - The two are one... :)

Susie said...

Yay! Welcome to blogging. Have fun with it. I'm excited to have the chance to check in more with you guys now.