Friday, August 8, 2008

the title - revised

The main purpose of this blog is to keep our family and friends better up to date on what we are doing and learning these days.
Most of which is a daily learning experience for me, thus, an education in itself. I'm convinced that major universities should offer life with 2 and 4 yr old boys as a degree opportunity. It could be sort of a general arts degree b/c you pretty much have to know a little bit about everything to survive a day with them. For example "Basic Plumbing" would be one of the courses you would take for when your potty training 2-year-old decides to place the toilet paper in the toilet while leaving it on the roll (on the wall) and watch it unroll itself when he flushes (this was Thing 1 by the way). In hindsight I would take "Common Sense in Potty Training" as a pre-requisite course, but when you are busy caring for his then infant brother it doesn't occur to you at the time to be fully attentive.

Here is a recent photo for your viewing pleasure. You are spared a potty photo only b/c we recently purchased an external hardrive (one word or two?) and all my sitting on the potty while reading Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever photos are now on that hardrive and too difficult to get at. So here is one of the boys at the local waterpark in Branson. Note the waterslide in the background was just there for staging purposes, the boys would have nothing to do with actually going down one.


Jeff said...

There should also be a class on "Fashion Sense" for when your husband gets the boys dressed in the morning. :)

Lisa said...

Can't wait for potty training!