Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Funny Things

The other day my eldest son informed me that I “hog chocolate.”  I neither confirm nor deny that observation.
T3 brought this home from Sunday School. I laughed for a good five mins. I wonder what the teacher thought?

While we were all eating breakfast one morning T3 must have asked someone to refill his water bottle:

Hubby – “We should install a giant hamster water bottle on the wall for you boys so whenever you want a drink you can just go and drink right out of it….  But I suppose people would think we are strange.”

Me – “People already think we are strange.”

T1 - “Why? Is it because you won’t let me have  a pet cobra? (What??? Where did that come from?  Later I found out that hubby had told T1 that when he was an adult he could have a pet cobra but his mom probably wouldn’t visit him very much.  Sighh……)

T3 – “Yeah, he would need his driver’s license to get one. Right, mom?”

This morning T3 handed me his play-away stories from the library to adjust the headphones. 

T3 – “If I listen to earphones too loud my ears will get plugged up and only the Lord could heal me, right?”

And after asking Thing 2 for the zillionth time not to goof off in the parking lot (he looked like he was doing some spastic dance, when in explanation he was trying to only step on the shiny things…oh, okay).

T2 – “Yeah cause if I got hit by a car I would die and you would be sad.”

Me- “Yes, I would be very sad to live the rest of my life without you.  But I would be happy for you to be in heaven with Jesus.  Heaven is way better than earth. But I do hope that I die before you, son.”

T2 – “Yeah, me too.  (long pause) Whoops, I blew it again. I’m not supposed to say I hope you die first.”

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