Friday, October 4, 2013

This is the way...

This is the way the four year old likes to talk on the phone:
This is the way the four year old gets me to put in one more video so I can finish my conversation with Jesus:
This is the way he exercises while I do my work out video:
This is how the seven year old brother wakes up after the four year old has watched two shows and jumped off the fireplace 500 times:
This is how the four year old "helps" make my bed:

This is the way the seven year old likes to view most of life, perched up in a tree. Sometimes way way higher than this momma on the ground would prefer. But she keeps her mouth shut...most of the time. 
This is how the nine year old looks in his first pair of glasses:
This my favorite way to spend my Sat mornings, watching my nine year old have fun playing soccer: 

And this is where I store these memories for the day when no little boys do flips on my legs during my Quiet time, crawl under me while I do an Updog, make a fort out of my bed pillows, slowly wake up under my favorite blanket, celebrate over another goal scored, or giggle while wiggling fingers under my bathroom door. 

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